K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Change history for Int. FTCh & ÖJhCh Jersey Girls Velvet

2/4/2020 2:33:35 AM:
Added by Ulla Schuetz
Jersey Girls Velvet

7/10/2020 12:25:50 PM:
Modified by Ulla Schuetz
sireID=451412, damID=805772

2/4/2021 11:57:48 AM:
Modified by Maria Lohmann
Gender=F, BirthYear=2018, Color=2

2/4/2021 11:59:20 AM:
Modified by Maria Lohmann
HipID=A, EyeID=clear (06/2019), ElbowID=0/0, OCD shoulders clear, ThyroidID=SD2: Clear, PRAStatus=C, PRAID=Hereditary, EICStatus=C, EICID=Hereditary, CNMStatus=C, CNMID=Hereditary, DentitionID=oB/NAD

1/22/2023 2:03:19 PM:
Modified by Simeon Schmoigl
CallName="Dino", Honorifics="OFTW", Country="AS", BirthDay=2, BirthMonth=1, Breeder="Ulla Schütz", Owner="Simeon Schmoigl", EyeID="clear (09/2022)", CountryResidence="AS"

1/22/2023 2:43:14 PM:
Modified by Simeon Schmoigl

7/24/2024 5:41:05 AM:
Modified by Simeon Schmoigl
Honorifics="IntFTCh & ÖJhCh"

7/24/2024 5:43:10 AM:
Modified by Simeon Schmoigl
FrontTitles="Int. FTCh & ÖJhCh", EndTitles="VGP Winner", Honorifics="Int. FTCh & ÖJhCh", AdditionalTitles="2nd Skinners World Cup 2024"

7/24/2024 5:45:22 AM:
Modified by Simeon Schmoigl
EndTitles="", Website="www.sagberg.at", AdditionalTitles="2nd Skinners World Cup 2024, VGP Winner"

7/24/2024 5:46:29 AM:
Modified by Simeon Schmoigl
EyeID="clear (06/2024)"

7/24/2024 5:47:01 AM:
Modified by Simeon Schmoigl
AdditionalTitles="2nd Place Skinners World Cup 2024, VGP Winner"

Key for gene testing results:
C = Clear
R = Carrier
A = Affected
P = Clear by Parentage
CO = Clear inferred by offspring
RO = Carrier inferred by offspring
RP = Carrier inferred by parentage

Key for gene testing labs:
A = Antegene
AVC = Alfort Veterinary College
EM = Embark
G = Animal Genetics
L = Laboklin
O = Optigen
P = Paw Print
UM = University of Minnesota
UMO = Unversity of Missouri
T = Other
VGL = UC Davis VGL

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