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Change history for Dt.Ch.m.Arbeitsprfg.,Sieger Berlin'00 Enthusiastic Swimmers Herman Hermits
1/20/2004 8:00:00 AM:
Added by Carena Freiburghaus
Enthusiastic Swimmers Herman Hermits
1/20/2004 8:00:45 AM:
Modified by Carena Freiburghaus
1/23/2004 3:51:19 PM:
Modified by edi gleis
5/1/2018 4:55:56 PM:
Modified by Gabriele Stracke
HipID=B2, EyeID=free 2007, ElbowID=frei/frei
4/18/2020 8:29:56 AM:
Modified by Birgit Schmidt
Gender=, HipID=, EyeID=, ElbowID=
4/18/2020 8:38:38 AM:
Modified by Birgit Schmidt
FrontTitles=Dt.Ch.m.Arbeitsprfg.,Sieger Berlin00, CallName=Herman, Gender=M, Country=DE, BirthDay=18, BirthMonth=03, BirthYear=1999, DeathDay=13, DeathMonth=08, DeathYear=2013, Registry=FCI, RegistrationNumber=DRC-G 9914174, Breeder=Birgit Schmidt, Owner=Birgit Schmidt, HipID=B 2, EyeID=04/07 free, HeartID=ok (Uni Leipzig), ElbowID=0/0, ThyroidID=ok, CauseofDeath=old age, AdditionalTitles=JP/R, BLP/R, Markpr.Aben1.Pr.,DummyF, WT F, DentitionID=ok, CountryResidence=DE
Key for gene testing results:C = ClearR = CarrierA = AffectedP = Clear by ParentageCO = Clear inferred by offspringRO = Carrier inferred by offspringRP = Carrier inferred by parentage
Key for gene testing labs:A = AntegeneAVC = Alfort Veterinary CollegeE = EVGEM = EmbarkF = OFAG = Animal GeneticsL = LaboklinO = OptigenP = Paw PrintUM = University of MinnesotaUMO = Unversity of MissouriT = OtherV = VHLVGL = UC Davis VGL