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Change history for J.Ch.Braz. Golden Kima Rhythm n' Blues MULTI MINI BISS
7/1/2006 1:19:52 PM:
Added by marcos stryjer
Golden Kima Rhythm n' Blues
7/1/2006 1:22:34 PM:
Modified by marcos stryjer
FrontTitles=J.Ch.Braz., EndTitles=MULTI MINI BISS, CallName=Chooper, Honorifics=J.Ch.Braz./ MULTI MINI BISS, Gender=M, Country=OT, BirthDay=25, BirthMonth=03, BirthYear=2005, Registry=Other, RegistrationNumber=SPX/ 05/ 01563, Breeder=Golden Kima Kennel, Owner=Marcos Stryjer, Website=http://sites.uol.com.br/goldenkima/
7/1/2006 1:24:01 PM:
Modified by marcos stryjer
sireID=78665, damID=71347
Key for gene testing results:
C = Clear
R = Carrier
A = Affected
P = Clear by Parentage
CO = Clear inferred by offspring
RO = Carrier inferred by offspring
RP = Carrier inferred by parentage
Key for gene testing labs:
A = Antegene
AVC = Alfort Veterinary College
EM = Embark
G = Animal Genetics
L = Laboklin
O = Optigen
P = Paw Print
UM = University of Minnesota
UMO = Unversity of Missouri
T = Other
VGL = UC Davis VGL