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Change history for Opulents Jazzin It Up -Can JH WC RN
9/4/2006 9:06:34 PM:
Added by Dan Kuntz
opulents jazzin it up
9/4/2006 9:09:36 PM:
Modified by Dan Kuntz
CallName=Jazz, Gender=F, Country=CA, BirthDay=01, BirthYear=2006, Registry=CKC, Breeder=Dan Kuntz, Owner=Karen & Dan Kuntz
9/4/2006 9:09:58 PM:
Modified by Dan Kuntz
BirthDay=19, BirthMonth=01
9/4/2006 9:11:10 PM:
Modified by Dan Kuntz
sireID=28730, damID=170995
9/4/2006 9:11:57 PM:
Modified by Dan Kuntz
name=OpulentsJazzin It Up, SearchName=OPULENTSJAZZINITUP
9/4/2006 9:12:22 PM:
Modified by Dan Kuntz
name=Opulents Jazzin It Up, SearchName=OPULENTJAZZINITUP
9/4/2006 9:31:23 PM:
Modified by Dan Kuntz
11/19/2006 7:43:08 PM:
Modified by Dan Kuntz
EyeID=118184, EyeRegistry=CERF
11/19/2006 7:44:27 PM:
Modified by Dan Kuntz
11/19/2006 7:54:51 PM:
Modified by Dan Kuntz
11/27/2006 8:49:05 PM:
Modified by Dan Kuntz
6/21/2007 7:15:53 AM:
Modified by Dan Kuntz
6/21/2007 7:16:27 AM:
Modified by Dan Kuntz
EndTitles=Can WC
6/25/2007 7:26:24 AM:
Modified by Dan Kuntz
EndTitles=-Can JH WC
11/30/2008 9:52:31 AM:
Modified by Dan Kuntz
EndTitles=-Can JH WC RN, Website=email: opulents@rogers.com
Key for gene testing results:C = ClearR = CarrierA = AffectedP = Clear by ParentageCO = Clear inferred by offspringRO = Carrier inferred by offspringRP = Carrier inferred by parentage
Key for gene testing labs:A = AntegeneAVC = Alfort Veterinary CollegeE = EVGEM = EmbarkF = OFAG = Animal GeneticsL = LaboklinO = OptigenP = Paw PrintUM = University of MinnesotaUMO = Unversity of MissouriT = OtherV = VHLVGL = UC Davis VGL