
Golden Retriever

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Change history for CIE, German CH, German CH VDH, DK(u)CH Snowjar's Chelles EJS'10

7/5/2009 3:06:16 PM:
Added by Catherine Schiemann
Snowjar's Chelles

7/5/2009 3:06:45 PM:
Modified by Catherine Schiemann
Gender=F, BirthDay=14, BirthMonth=3, BirthYear=2009, Breeder=Hakansson, Owner=Blaauwendraat G.W.J.

7/5/2009 3:07:06 PM:
Modified by Catherine Schiemann
sireID=196236, damID=321547

11/21/2009 4:04:10 AM:
Modified by Gloria Blaauwendraat
CallName=Aoife, Honorifics=BIS Baby GRCB 09, BIS Retriever Club LUX 09, Breeder=Lotta Linde, Owner=Gloria Blaauwendraat, EyeID=clear (29-5-2009), EyeRegistry=CERF, Website=www.tanishtagh.nl

11/21/2009 4:04:48 AM:
Modified by Gloria Blaauwendraat
Honorifics=BIS Baby GRCB 09, BIS Baby Retriever Club LU 09

11/1/2010 8:52:18 AM:
Modified by Gloria Blaauwendraat
FrontTitles=Jun. Ch., Honorifics=Jun. Ch (VDH + Club), EJS10, 7x CAC, ElbowID=0:0

11/1/2010 8:54:45 AM:
Modified by Gloria Blaauwendraat
HipID=2010: A

8/5/2011 9:28:26 AM:
Modified by Gloria Blaauwendraat

8/24/2011 7:24:42 PM:
Modified by Zimovets Julia
HipID=HD A(2010), ElbowID=0/0

11/7/2011 9:07:28 AM:
Modified by Gloria Blaauwendraat
FrontTitles=Ch., Honorifics=German CH, German VDH CH, Jun. Ch, EJS10

2/22/2012 3:21:10 AM:
Modified by Gloria Blaauwendraat
FrontTitles=Multi Ch., Honorifics=DE CH, VDH CH, DK(U)CH, Jun. Ch, EJS10, HipID=A, EyeID=clear (12-4-2011), PRA1Status=C, PRA1Registry=O

4/5/2012 8:34:09 PM:
Modified by Zimovets Julia

11/16/2013 3:08:04 AM:
Modified by Gloria Blaauwendraat
Honorifics=CIE, DE CH, VDH CH, DK(U)CH, Jun. Ch, EJS10, HipRegistry=FCI, EyeID=clear (1-11-2013)

11/16/2013 3:11:30 AM:
Modified by Gloria Blaauwendraat
FrontTitles=Int. Sh. Ch, Multi Ch.

9/11/2014 3:02:42 AM:
Modified by Gloria Blaauwendraat
EyeID=clear , IchStatus=R

11/30/2016 10:13:08 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin

2/25/2017 9:29:31 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
FrontTitles=VDH CH INT UCH, Registry=FCI, RegistrationNumber=S28412/2009

3/31/2017 7:27:10 AM:
Modified by Gloria Blaauwendraat
FrontTitles=CIE, German CH, German CH VDH, DK(u)CH, ElbowRegistry=FCI

3/31/2017 7:35:05 AM:
Modified by Gloria Blaauwendraat
Country=SE, CountryResidence=NE

Key for gene testing results:
C = Clear
R = Carrier
A = Affected
P = Clear by Parentage
CO = Clear inferred by offspring
RO = Carrier inferred by offspring
RP = Carrier inferred by parentage

Key for gene testing labs:
A = Antegene
AVC = Alfort Veterinary College
EM = Embark
G = Animal Genetics
L = Laboklin
O = Optigen
P = Paw Print
UM = University of Minnesota
UMO = Unversity of Missouri
T = Other
VGL = UC Davis VGL

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