
Golden Retriever

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Change history for AmGCH CH / Can CH Amica Mocha Locomotion THD CGC

10/19/2010 9:01:26 AM:
Added by Mia Nieman
Amica Mocha Locomotion

10/19/2010 9:02:34 AM:
Modified by Mia Nieman
CallName=Kodiak, Gender=M, Country=US, BirthDay=18, BirthMonth=03, BirthYear=2010, Registry=AKC, RegistrationNumber=SR61322803

10/19/2010 9:03:04 AM:
Modified by Mia Nieman
sireID=87632, damID=280165

10/19/2010 9:04:24 AM:
Modified by Mia Nieman
Breeder=Mia T Nieman, Owner=Mia T Nieman, Website=http://www.amicagoldens.com

12/18/2010 10:28:35 PM:
Modified by Mia Nieman

12/18/2010 10:30:28 PM:
Modified by Mia Nieman

12/30/2010 10:48:12 PM:
Modified by Mia Nieman
EyeID=GR-44892/2010-8, EyeRegistry=CERF

3/19/2011 12:07:20 AM:
Modified by Mia Nieman
Honorifics=Houston Specialty Maj Res at 12 months in Open cl, Owner=Mia T Nieman and Colleen Maddox

3/22/2011 2:04:32 PM:
Modified by Mia Nieman

7/27/2011 11:59:43 AM:
Modified by Mia Nieman
Owner=Mia T Nieman

1/2/2012 4:31:52 PM:
Modified by Vikki Mccoy
CallName=KodiBear, Owner=Vikki McCoy & Mia T Nieman

1/14/2012 1:17:32 PM:
Modified by Mia Nieman

1/29/2012 8:53:05 PM:
Modified by Mia Nieman
Honorifics=5 Point Major and Gp 3 from the classes at 22 mon

2/15/2012 4:13:46 PM:
Modified by Kathleen King

5/27/2012 2:24:40 PM:
Modified by Mia Nieman
FrontTitles=Am Ch, Honorifics=5 Pt Maj and Gp 1 & 3 from the classes at 22 mon

5/27/2012 2:25:42 PM:
Modified by Mia Nieman
Honorifics=5 Pt Maj and Gp 1 & 3 from the classes

6/9/2012 3:45:59 PM:
Modified by Mia Nieman
Owner=Vikki McCoy & Emmylea Herring & Mia T Nieman

6/28/2012 12:36:15 PM:
Modified by Vikki Mccoy

11/27/2012 7:45:35 PM:
Modified by Vikki Mccoy
FrontTitles=Am Can Ch

4/12/2013 9:17:17 PM:
Modified by Mia Nieman
FrontTitles=GCH Am Can CH

7/17/2013 2:32:55 AM:
Modified by Vikki Mccoy
Owner=Vikki McCoy & Mia T Nieman & Jasmine Riski

4/15/2014 6:16:02 PM:
Modified by Vikki Mccoy

9/1/2015 8:46:51 PM:
Modified by Vikki Mccoy
EndTitles=CGC, THDN

9/7/2016 5:39:13 PM:
Modified by Vikki Mccoy

5/14/2018 7:56:57 PM:
Modified by Florence Josephs
HipID=GR-109578F41M-VP, HipRegistry=OFA

8/16/2018 11:16:13 AM:
Modified by Vikki Mccoy
EndTitles=CGC, THD

3/7/2020 6:04:16 PM:
Modified by Anna Vosko

5/17/2021 2:13:59 PM:
Modified by Vikki Mccoy
DeathDay=15, DeathMonth=05, DeathYear=2021, CauseofDeath=Old age

11/29/2022 3:47:10 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
FrontTitles="AmGCH CH / Can CH", EndTitles="THD CGC", Honorifics="5 Pt Maj and Gp 1 & 3 from the classes ", Country="US", BirthDay=18, BirthMonth=3, BirthYear=2010, DeathDay=15, DeathMonth=5, DeathYear=2021, Registry="AKC", RegistrationNumber="SR61322803", Breeder="Mia T Nieman", Owner="Vikki McCoy & Mia T Nieman & Jasmine Riski", HipID="GR-109578F41M-VPI", HipRegistry="OFA", EyeID="GR-44892/2011-20", EyeRegistry="CERF", HeartID="", Website="", CauseofDeath="old age", Misc="AKC DNA #V626029", CountryResidence="US"

11/29/2022 3:47:18 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin

11/29/2022 3:47:51 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
sireID=87632, damID=280165

Key for gene testing results:
C = Clear
R = Carrier
A = Affected
P = Clear by Parentage
CO = Clear inferred by offspring
RO = Carrier inferred by offspring
RP = Carrier inferred by parentage

Key for gene testing labs:
A = Antegene
AVC = Alfort Veterinary College
EM = Embark
G = Animal Genetics
L = Laboklin
O = Optigen
P = Paw Print
UM = University of Minnesota
UMO = Unversity of Missouri
T = Other
VGL = UC Davis VGL

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