
Golden Retriever

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Change history for C.I.E. Ch.(H;Cro;) Multi JCh. (H;Cro;?st;SK) Fly Over the Golden-Hill Du Bois de la Rayere

3/6/2011 10:30:03 AM:
Added by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
Fly Over the Golden-Hill Du Bois de la Rayere

3/6/2011 10:35:47 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
CallName=Sorel, Gender=M, Country=FR, BirthDay=08, BirthMonth=06, BirthYear=2010, Registry=FCI, RegistrationNumber=Gold.r. 10163/H/10., Breeder=Bruno Facq, Owner=Zsuzsanna Sebestyen, Website=http://golden-hill.hu, Microchip=250269300362178

3/6/2011 10:36:54 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
sireID=327245, damID=230789

5/5/2011 1:43:57 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen

6/26/2011 10:11:51 AM:
Modified by P?l Norbert
FrontTitles=HjCh, Jun.Clubwinner 2011, Honorifics=Jun.BIs, Jun.Res.BIS, BOB

7/25/2011 2:13:24 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
FrontTitles=HjCh, , Honorifics=Jun.BIS, res.BIS, BOB

7/26/2011 3:30:47 PM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
Honorifics=?st.Jun.Clubwinner 11, Jun.BIS, res.BIS, BOB

7/26/2011 4:01:18 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin

8/30/2011 3:59:11 PM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
FrontTitles=H.JCh; Cro.JCh., Honorifics=?st.Jun.Clubwinner 11, 2*Jun.BIS, res.BIS, 2*BOB

9/21/2011 7:53:24 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
HipID=5/4, HipRegistry=BVA, ElbowID=0/0

9/21/2011 7:54:39 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
Honorifics=?st.Jun.Clubwinner 11, 3*Jun.BIS, res.BIS, 2*BOB

12/20/2011 4:33:38 PM:
Modified by Silvia Hanova

12/20/2011 4:36:39 PM:
Modified by Silvia Hanova
EyeID=DNA_GR_PRA1 clear

12/24/2011 5:31:39 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen

12/24/2011 5:33:17 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen

12/25/2011 3:06:25 PM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen

3/21/2012 3:00:50 PM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen

3/24/2012 7:38:40 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
FrontTitles=H.JCh; Cro.JCh., ?st.JCh.

5/30/2012 3:46:07 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
FrontTitles=H.JCh; Cro.JCh., ?st.JCh. SK.JCh. (Multi JCh.), Honorifics=?st.Jun.Clubwinner 11, 3*Jun.BIS, 3*CACIB 3*BIS

5/30/2012 3:47:01 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
FrontTitles=H; Cro; ?st; SK.JCh. (Multi JCh.), CallName=SOREL

5/30/2012 4:08:20 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
FrontTitles=Multi JCh. (H; Cro; ?st; SK; )

5/30/2012 4:09:44 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
Honorifics=3*Jun.BIS, 3*CACIB 3*BIS

5/30/2012 10:31:06 AM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
FrontTitles=Multi JCh. (H; Cro; ?st; SK)

2/2/2013 5:08:23 PM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
EyeID=DNA_GR_PRA2 clear, PRA1Status=C, IchStatus=C

8/12/2013 9:20:18 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
FrontTitles=HSCh. Cro.SCh. Multi JCh. (H; Cro; ?st; SK)

9/10/2013 7:02:33 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen

9/15/2013 12:43:07 PM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen

9/15/2013 12:43:21 PM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen

9/15/2013 12:45:05 PM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen

9/15/2013 12:47:09 PM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen

9/16/2013 12:58:11 PM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen

9/16/2013 1:42:04 PM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen

9/16/2013 1:58:53 PM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
Honorifics=3*Jun.BIS, 4*CACIB 4*BIS

8/3/2014 3:43:01 PM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
Honorifics=3*Jun.BIS, 6*CACIB 4*BIS

9/18/2014 2:26:36 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
FrontTitles=C.I.E.HSCh. Cro.SCh. Multi JCh. (H; Cro; ?st; SK)

9/18/2014 2:29:41 AM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
FrontTitles=C.I.E. Ch.(H;Cro;) Multi JCh. (H;Cro;?st;SK)

12/11/2017 3:43:09 PM:
Modified by Farkas Marta
FrontTitles=, CallName=, Honorifics=, Gender=, Country=, BirthDay=NULL, BirthMonth=NULL, BirthYear=NULL, Registry=, RegistrationNumber=, Breeder=, Owner=, HipID=, HipRegistry=, EyeID=, ElbowID=, Website=, Microchip=, PRA1Status=, IchStatus=

12/11/2017 3:48:34 PM:
Modified by Farkas Marta
CallName=SOREL, Honorifics=3*Jun.BIS, 6*CACIB 4*BIS, Gender=M, Country=FR, BirthDay=8, BirthMonth=6, BirthYear=2010, Registry=FCI, Breeder=Bruno Facq, Owner=Lennie Olila & Jay and Knight Ito, HipID=5/4, HipRegistry=Unknown, EyeID=DNA_GR_PRA2 clear, ElbowID=0/0, Website=https://m.facebook.com/J-Platinum-Europian-Golden-Retrievers-866900820014787/, PRAStatus=C, PRA1Status=C, IchStatus=R, PRA2Status=C, Misc=J-Platinum, CountryResidence=JA

12/11/2017 3:49:12 PM:
Modified by Farkas Marta
FrontTitles=C.I.E. Ch.(H;Cro;) Multi JCh. (H;Cro;?st;SK)

12/11/2017 6:40:26 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin

5/14/2019 2:24:26 PM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
Owner=Zsuzsanna Sebesty?n, Website=www.golden-hill.hu, Misc=Pearl of Golden-Hill, CountryResidence=HU

5/14/2019 2:36:21 PM:
Modified by Zsuzsanna Sebestyen
HipRegistry=BVA, ElbowRegistry=BVA

Key for gene testing results:
C = Clear
R = Carrier
A = Affected
P = Clear by Parentage
CO = Clear inferred by offspring
RO = Carrier inferred by offspring
RP = Carrier inferred by parentage

Key for gene testing labs:
A = Antegene
AVC = Alfort Veterinary College
EM = Embark
G = Animal Genetics
L = Laboklin
O = Optigen
P = Paw Print
UM = University of Minnesota
UMO = Unversity of Missouri
T = Other
VGL = UC Davis VGL

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