
Golden Retriever

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Change history for Dt.Champ.(VDH) ,Dt.Ch.(DRC und GRC),Sieger Rostock 2015 und 2018 Remington Rigoletto

7/25/2012 6:29:34 AM:
Added by Zimovets Julia
Remington Rigoletto

7/25/2012 6:30:05 AM:
Modified by Zimovets Julia

7/25/2012 6:30:28 AM:
Modified by Zimovets Julia
sireID=339318, damID=254604

2/10/2013 1:43:37 PM:
Modified by katja wiegand
CallName=Quincy, Country=GB, BirthDay=10, BirthYear=2011, Registry=FCI, Breeder=Penny Gowland & Paul Gibbons, Owner=Katja und Matthias Wiegand, HipID=B1 /B1, EyeID=HC /PRA free 2012, ElbowID=free / free, Website=www.k-wiegand.de

2/10/2013 1:44:01 PM:
Modified by katja wiegand
BirthDay=28, BirthMonth=10

8/13/2013 5:10:00 AM:
Modified by katja wiegand
EyeID=HC /PRA free 2013, PRA1Status=C, PRA1Registry=L, IchStatus=C, IchRegistry=L

8/13/2013 5:13:13 AM:
Modified by katja wiegand
Honorifics=BhP A,FdW,ZZL im GRC

9/3/2015 2:29:53 AM:
Modified by katja wiegand
FrontTitles=Deutscher Cahmpion (VDH), Honorifics=Dt.Champ.(VDH) ,BhP A,FdW,ZZL im GRC

9/3/2015 2:30:34 AM:
Modified by katja wiegand
FrontTitles=, EndTitles=Deutscher Champion (VDH)

9/3/2015 2:31:01 AM:
Modified by katja wiegand
FrontTitles=Dt.Champ.(VDH) , EndTitles=

9/3/2015 2:31:29 AM:
Modified by katja wiegand
EyeID=HC /PRA free 2015

11/3/2015 1:29:43 PM:
Modified by katja wiegand
Honorifics=Dt.Champ.(VDH),Dt.Ch.(Club) Dummy A ,FdW,ZZL GRC

11/3/2015 1:31:45 PM:
Modified by katja wiegand
FrontTitles=Dt.Champ.(VDH) ,Dt.Ch.(Club)

1/20/2016 8:09:34 AM:
Modified by katja wiegand
FrontTitles=Dt.Champ.(VDH) ,Dt.Ch.(Club),Sieger Rostock 2015 , Honorifics=Dt.Champ.(VDH),Dt.Ch.(Club) ,Dummy A ,FdW,ZZL GRC, ThyroidID=GR-PRA 2 clear

1/20/2016 8:10:37 AM:
Modified by katja wiegand
name= Remington Rigoletto, ThyroidID=GR_PRA 2 clear

1/20/2016 4:25:20 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
name=Remington Rigoletto, Honorifics=Dummy A ,FdW,ZZL GRC

1/11/2017 5:36:51 AM:
Modified by katja wiegand
ThyroidID=, PRA2Status=C, PRA2Registry=L, CountryResidence=DE

1/23/2019 1:47:20 PM:
Modified by katja wiegand
FrontTitles=Dt.Champ.(VDH) ,Dt.Ch.(Club),Sieger Rostock 2015 und 2018, Honorifics= 3xCACIB,1xBOS,2xBOB,Dummy A (GRC),ZZL GRC, EyeID=HC /PRA clear 2017

1/23/2019 1:48:01 PM:
Modified by katja wiegand
FrontTitles=Dt.Champ.(VDH) ,Dt.Ch.(DRC und GRC),Sieger Rostock 2015 und 2018

12/19/2020 11:52:45 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin

Key for gene testing results:
C = Clear
R = Carrier
A = Affected
P = Clear by Parentage
CO = Clear inferred by offspring
RO = Carrier inferred by offspring
RP = Carrier inferred by parentage

Key for gene testing labs:
A = Antegene
AVC = Alfort Veterinary College
EM = Embark
G = Animal Genetics
L = Laboklin
O = Optigen
P = Paw Print
UM = University of Minnesota
UMO = Unversity of Missouri
T = Other
VGL = UC Davis VGL

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