
Golden Retriever

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Change history for Carova's Hula Dancing On The Beach DNX5, CGC, TKI

9/25/2012 4:27:34 PM:
Added by Nancy Cronce
Carova's Hula Dancing On The Beach

9/25/2012 4:29:45 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce
CallName=Izzy, Gender=F, Country=US, BirthDay=06, BirthMonth=06, BirthYear=2012, Registry=AKC, RegistrationNumber=SR73236807, Breeder=Nancy Cronce & Toni Norton, Owner= Jason & Dani Orender

9/25/2012 4:30:29 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce
sireID=505805, damID=399718

9/25/2012 5:35:41 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin

3/6/2014 1:46:56 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce
Breeder=Nancy Cronce

6/28/2015 8:49:46 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce

7/5/2016 1:32:13 AM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce
PRAStatus=C, PRARegistry=O, PRAID=981020007081856, PRA1Status=C, PRA1Registry=O, PRA1ID=981020007081856, IchStatus=R, IchRegistry=O, IchID=981020007081856, PRA2Status=C, PRA2Registry=O, PRA2ID=981020007081856

7/5/2016 1:35:03 AM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce
EndTitles=DN CGC

7/5/2016 1:36:50 AM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce

2/11/2017 8:57:09 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce

2/11/2017 9:03:33 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce
Honorifics=Ranked 8th in Novice Division at Nationals

1/8/2018 11:41:24 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce
EndTitles=DN TDN CGC

1/8/2018 11:42:44 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce
EndTitles=DN TKN CGC

1/8/2018 11:49:29 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce
EndTitles=DN TKI CGC , Honorifics=Ranked 2nd in Novice Division at Nationals, Website=www. Carovagoldenretrievers.com

1/16/2019 1:40:26 PM:
Modified by Danielle Orender

1/30/2019 3:11:41 PM:
Modified by Danielle Orender
EyeID=https://www.ofa.org/advanced-search?f=sr&appnum=2, EyeRegistry=CERF

1/30/2019 3:24:47 PM:
Modified by Danielle Orender

1/30/2019 3:28:40 PM:
Modified by Danielle Orender

5/4/2019 4:28:01 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce
EyeID=GR-EYE16743/79F-VPI, DMStatus=P

5/4/2019 5:03:24 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce

5/4/2019 5:45:54 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce
Honorifics=ABNORMAL IE2:Cataract,D1:Uveal Cyst

5/4/2019 5:48:10 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce
Honorifics=03/2014ABNORMAL IE2:Cataract,D1:Uveal Cyst Cerfed 2019

5/4/2019 5:50:17 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce
Honorifics=(03/2014ABNORMAL IE2:Cataract,D1:Uveal Cyst) Cerf # granted 2019

5/4/2019 5:51:44 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce
Honorifics=(03/2014ABNORMAL IE2:Cataract,D1:Uveal Cyst) Cerf # granted Jan. 2019

5/4/2019 5:52:24 PM:
Modified by Nancy Cronce
Honorifics=(03/2014 ABNORMAL IE2:Cataract,D1:Uveal Cyst) Cerf # granted Jan. 2019

8/28/2020 9:11:05 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
EyeID=GR-EYE16743/79F-VPI (1/19, D1, E1), CountryResidence=US

1/25/2021 2:46:26 PM:
Modified by Danielle Orender
EndTitles=DNX3, CGC, TKI

11/19/2022 3:30:50 PM:
Modified by Danielle Orender
EndTitles="DNX5, CGC, TKI ", Owner="Dani & Jason Orender"

Key for gene testing results:
C = Clear
R = Carrier
A = Affected
P = Clear by Parentage
CO = Clear inferred by offspring
RO = Carrier inferred by offspring
RP = Carrier inferred by parentage

Key for gene testing labs:
A = Antegene
AVC = Alfort Veterinary College
EM = Embark
G = Animal Genetics
L = Laboklin
O = Optigen
P = Paw Print
UM = University of Minnesota
UMO = Unversity of Missouri
T = Other
VGL = UC Davis VGL

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