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Change history for WW'17, UK Sh.Ch, It.Ch, Swiss Ch, C.I.E. Il Trovatore Della Val d'Aveto EJW'13 - Jun.It.Ch.
4/15/2013 12:50:25 PM:
Added by Janine Br?ngger
Il Trovatore Della Val D'Aveto
4/15/2013 12:50:33 PM:
Modified by Janine Br?ngger
CallName=Oliver, Gender=M
4/15/2013 12:51:46 PM:
Modified by Janine Br?ngger
sireID=301985, damID=415611
4/15/2013 12:55:38 PM:
Modified by Janine Br?ngger
BirthDay=03, BirthMonth=03, BirthYear=2012, Breeder=Maddalena Massone, Website=http://www.igoldendellaveto.it/
9/1/2013 6:47:14 AM:
Modified by Janine Br?ngger
Owner=Salvatore Carboni, HipID=B/B, ElbowID=0:0
9/4/2013 5:37:31 AM:
Modified by maddalena massone
Breeder=allevamento della val daveto - maddalena massone, HipRegistry=FCI, ElbowID=BL (between 0 and 1)
9/22/2013 7:14:08 AM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
FrontTitles=Jun. It. Ch, EJW13, Honorifics=Jun. It. Ch, EJW13, Registry=FCI, RegistrationNumber=12/67396, EyeID=OK, Microchip=380260000746358
1/20/2014 2:47:03 PM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
FrontTitles=Jun.It.Ch, EJW13, It.Ch., Honorifics=Jun.It.Ch, EJW13, It.Ch.
1/20/2014 2:48:18 PM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
Breeder=All.to Della Val dAveto
1/20/2014 2:55:56 PM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
5/7/2014 6:20:28 AM:
Modified by Jana Oettel
ElbowID=BL / 0 (BL=between 0 and 1), PRA1Status=C
5/7/2014 6:20:49 AM:
Modified by Jana Oettel
ElbowID=0 / BL (BL=between 0 and 1)
6/20/2014 5:12:56 PM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
6/20/2014 5:14:06 PM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
8/16/2014 1:36:22 PM:
Modified by HeartGold
8/16/2014 1:37:18 PM:
Modified by HeartGold
FrontTitles=It.JCh, JEW13, It.Ch., ElbowID=0 / BL (BL = between 0 and 1)
8/18/2014 2:02:58 PM:
Modified by HeartGold
name=Il Trovatore Della Val dAveto
11/6/2014 8:54:58 AM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
ElbowID=0/BL (BL = between 0 and 1), PRA1ID=PRA2: CLEAR
11/20/2014 9:01:35 AM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
FrontTitles=It.JCh, JEW13, It.Ch, C.I.E., Honorifics=Jun.It.Ch, EJW13, It.Ch, C.I.E.
2/9/2015 3:42:27 PM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
HipID=3/4, HipRegistry=BVA, ElbowID=0/0
11/24/2015 8:38:35 AM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
11/24/2015 8:39:45 AM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
FrontTitles=It.Ch, Swiss Ch, C.I.E., EndTitles=It.Jun.Ch, JEW13, EyeID=Clear & Gonyo Clear
11/24/2015 8:40:47 AM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
1/12/2016 6:10:32 PM:
Modified by Roland Mayn?
1/17/2016 5:07:53 PM:
Modified by Alexandra Tutaeva
1/17/2016 5:08:48 PM:
Modified by Alexandra Tutaeva
1/19/2016 11:56:11 AM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
FrontTitles=Show Champion, EndTitles=Jr.Italian/Italian/INT/Swiss/UK Champion EJW13
1/19/2016 11:57:21 AM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
3/21/2016 7:50:27 PM:
Modified by Kristin Knezovich
11/20/2016 7:01:32 PM:
Modified by HeartGold
FrontTitles=ENG SH CH, EW-13, INT CH, IT/SWI CH, IT JCH, EndTitles=, Honorifics=BIS Winner, Multi CCs &BOBs Winner, RegistrationNumber=LOI 12/67396, CountryResidence=IT
11/20/2016 7:01:42 PM:
Modified by HeartGold
Honorifics=BIS Winner, Multi CCs & BOBs Winner
11/20/2016 7:01:54 PM:
Modified by HeartGold
PRA1ID=, PRA2Status=C
11/11/2017 8:50:54 AM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
FrontTitles=WW17, ENG SH CH, EW-13, INT CH, IT/SWI CH, IT JCH, Owner=Salvatore Carboni, Giovanni Monteverde, Website=www.olvinglay.it
11/11/2017 8:51:41 AM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
Honorifics=BIS Winner, World Winner 2017, Multi CCs & BOBs Winner,
11/11/2017 8:52:21 AM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
Honorifics=World Winner 2017, BIS Winner, Multi CCs & BOBs Winner,
12/18/2017 1:30:10 AM:
Modified by Dusan Kollarik
3/22/2018 9:31:05 AM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
FrontTitles=WW17, UK Sh. Ch, It.Ch, Swiss Ch, C.I.E., EndTitles=EJW13 - Jun.It.Ch.
3/22/2018 9:31:54 AM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
FrontTitles=WW17, UK Sh.Ch, It.Ch, Swiss Ch, C.I.E.
12/9/2020 4:15:19 AM:
Modified by Elena Volkova
11/14/2022 7:47:57 AM:
Modified by Giovanni Monteverde
Key for gene testing results:C = ClearR = CarrierA = AffectedP = Clear by ParentageCO = Clear inferred by offspringRO = Carrier inferred by offspringRP = Carrier inferred by parentage
Key for gene testing labs:A = AntegeneAVC = Alfort Veterinary CollegeE = EVGEM = EmbarkF = OFAG = Animal GeneticsL = LaboklinO = OptigenP = Paw PrintUM = University of MinnesotaUMO = Unversity of MissouriT = OtherV = VHLVGL = UC Davis VGL