
Golden Retriever

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Change history for AFC Double Creek Ali's Double Agent OD

6/23/2013 10:22:26 PM:
Added by Ginnie Pastor
doublecreek ali's double agent

6/23/2013 10:25:57 PM:
Modified by Ginnie Pastor
CallName=Zeva, Honorifics=derby 2nd, Gender=F, Country=US, BirthDay=21 , BirthMonth=02, BirthYear=2012, RegistrationNumber=SR71846801, Breeder=Karen M. Sweezey and John J. Sweezey, Owner=Pat and Carl Boteze

6/23/2013 10:27:17 PM:
Modified by Ginnie Pastor
sireID=278136, damID=327898

6/23/2013 10:29:39 PM:
Modified by Ginnie Pastor
name=Doublecreek Alis Double Agent

6/24/2013 3:00:57 PM:
Modified by Beverly Burns

6/26/2013 11:33:02 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze

7/2/2013 8:39:18 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze

7/2/2013 8:40:24 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze

8/20/2013 10:34:16 AM:
Modified by Patricia Jones
name=Double Creek Alis Double Agent, EndTitles=***

8/20/2013 8:59:07 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze
Honorifics=QAA at 17 mos

8/20/2013 9:00:59 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze
Honorifics=QAA at 17 months

9/3/2013 9:59:00 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze
Honorifics=QAA at 17 months Derby List at 18 months

9/3/2013 10:00:20 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze
Honorifics=QAA at 17 months, Derby List at 18 months

8/23/2014 8:28:51 AM:
Modified by Pat Boteze
Honorifics=QAA at 17 months, Derby List at 18 months, 22 p

8/23/2014 2:37:08 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze
Honorifics=QAA at 17 months, Derby List at 18 months, 22 pts

6/13/2015 5:16:38 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze
Honorifics=at 18 mos, 22 pts, Am WIN at 3yr + 1month

6/13/2015 5:18:50 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze
Honorifics=QAA @17mos, 22 Derby pts, Am WIN at 3yr+1month

6/13/2015 5:34:23 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze
HipID=GR-110782G25F-vpi Good, HipRegistry=OFA, EyeID=GR-383502, EyeRegistry=CERF, ThyroidID=Normal, ThyroidRegistry=MSU, PRAStatus=C, PRARegistry=O, PRAID=14-3276, Microchip=956000008603134, PRA1Status=C, PRA1Registry=O, PRA1ID=14-3276, IchStatus=R, IchRegistry=O, IchID=14-3276

6/13/2015 6:46:21 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
HipID=GR-110782G25F-VPI, EyeID=GR-EYE4472/26F-VPI, EyeRegistry=OFA

9/5/2016 9:30:27 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze

9/5/2016 9:32:28 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze
Honorifics=QAA @17mos, 22 Derby pts, Am WIN at 37 mos

9/5/2016 9:40:12 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
EndTitles=, EyeID=GR-EYE4472/26F-VPI (4/14)

2/27/2017 3:21:18 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze
PRA2Status=C, PRA2Registry=P, DMStatus=C, DMRegistry=P

2/28/2017 8:25:58 AM:
Modified by Pat Boteze
EyeID=GR-EYE4472/59F-VPI, HeartID=GR-ACA702/59F-VPI, CountryResidence=US, StateResidence=GA

2/28/2017 12:43:21 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
EyeID=GR-EYE4472/59F-VPI (2/17), HeartRegistry=OFA

1/20/2018 12:21:37 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze
Honorifics=AFC at 4.5yrs w/3 WINS QAA @17mos, 22 Derby pts, Am WIN at 37 mos

1/20/2018 12:22:00 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze
Honorifics=AFC at 4.5yrs w/3 WINS, QAA @17mos, 22 Derby pts, Am WIN at 37 mos

1/24/2019 3:04:39 PM:
Modified by Pat Boteze
NCLStatus=C, NCLRegistry=UMO

6/2/2019 11:49:23 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
NCLRegistry=F, NCLID=GR-CL5-373/82F-PI

7/30/2021 3:58:18 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin

Key for gene testing results:
C = Clear
R = Carrier
A = Affected
P = Clear by Parentage
CO = Clear inferred by offspring
RO = Carrier inferred by offspring
RP = Carrier inferred by parentage

Key for gene testing labs:
A = Antegene
AVC = Alfort Veterinary College
EM = Embark
G = Animal Genetics
L = Laboklin
O = Optigen
P = Paw Print
UM = University of Minnesota
UMO = Unversity of Missouri
T = Other
VGL = UC Davis VGL

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