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Change history for Windswept's Perry Mason CGCA
4/28/2014 10:04:26 PM:
Added by Sheila Cook
Windswept's Perry Mason
4/28/2014 10:08:53 PM:
Modified by Sheila Cook
EndTitles=CGCA, CallName=Perry, Gender=M, Country=US, BirthDay=12, BirthMonth=02, BirthYear=2013, Registry=AKC, RegistrationNumber=SR76361504, Breeder=Sheila Cook, Owner=Paul LaBarr, Microchip=956000002887855
4/28/2014 10:21:53 PM:
Modified by Sheila Cook
Image=http://s282.photobucket.com/user/Pcookhouse/media/Perry-Mason_zps000c973a.jpg.html target=_blank>
4/28/2014 10:22:09 PM:
Modified by Sheila Cook
sireID=401450, damID=509973
9/30/2015 10:31:31 PM:
Modified by Sheila Cook
9/30/2015 10:33:56 PM:
Modified by Sheila Cook
2/22/2016 11:12:34 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
5/28/2016 3:46:41 PM:
Modified by Sheila Cook
7/22/2017 10:58:43 PM:
Modified by Sheila Cook
7/22/2017 10:59:03 PM:
Modified by Sheila Cook
sireID=0, damID=0
11/22/2023 11:16:55 AM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
Breeder="Sheila Cook & Paul Cook", CountryResidence="US"
11/22/2023 11:17:07 AM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
sireID=401450, damID=509973
11/22/2023 11:17:40 AM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
11/22/2023 11:17:47 AM:
Locked by Lesley Albin
Key for gene testing results:C = ClearR = CarrierA = AffectedP = Clear by ParentageCO = Clear inferred by offspringRO = Carrier inferred by offspringRP = Carrier inferred by parentage
Key for gene testing labs:A = AntegeneAVC = Alfort Veterinary CollegeE = EVGEM = EmbarkF = OFAG = Animal GeneticsL = LaboklinO = OptigenP = Paw PrintUM = University of MinnesotaUMO = Unversity of MissouriT = OtherV = VHLVGL = UC Davis VGL