
Golden Retriever

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Change history for Pamaande's IC Spot Me Cool JH WC RE TDI

12/1/2015 2:33:51 PM:
Added by Pat Depp
pamaande's ic spot me cool

12/1/2015 2:37:12 PM:
Modified by Pat Depp
name=Pamaandes IC Spot Me Cool, CallName=IC, Gender=F, Country=US, BirthDay=27, BirthMonth=07, BirthYear=2015, Registry=AKC, RegistrationNumber=SR88908801, Breeder=Patricia Depp & Tammy Tomlinson, Owner=Pat Depp, Website=pamaandegoldens.com, Microchip=981020015260449

12/1/2015 2:54:22 PM:
Modified by Pat Depp
sireID=246632, damID=548550

6/12/2017 1:46:48 PM:
Modified by Pat Depp
EndTitles=RE JH, EyeID=GR-EYE11142/14F-VPI, EyeRegistry=OFA, HeartID=GR-ACA430/14F-VPI, HeartRegistry=OFA, CountryResidence=US, StateResidence=PA

10/26/2017 4:54:05 PM:
Modified by Pat Depp
EndTitles=JH RE TDI, HipID=GR-120029F24F-VPI, HipRegistry=OFA, ElbowID=GF-EL-39746F24-VPI, ElbowRegistry=OFA, CHIC=123610

10/26/2017 9:54:35 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
EyeID=GR-EYE11142/14F-VPI (9/16), ElbowID=GR-EL39746F24-VPI

6/27/2018 8:04:44 AM:
Modified by Pat Depp
EyeID=GR-EYE11142/34F-VPI (6/18)

5/1/2020 2:01:45 PM:
Modified by Pat Depp

5/1/2020 2:04:22 PM:
Modified by Pat Depp
EndTitles=JH WC RE TDI

5/1/2020 2:40:11 PM:
Modified by Pat Depp

5/1/2020 2:53:42 PM:
Modified by Pat Depp

Key for gene testing results:
C = Clear
R = Carrier
A = Affected
P = Clear by Parentage
CO = Clear inferred by offspring
RO = Carrier inferred by offspring
RP = Carrier inferred by parentage

Key for gene testing labs:
A = Antegene
AVC = Alfort Veterinary College
EM = Embark
G = Animal Genetics
L = Laboklin
O = Optigen
P = Paw Print
UM = University of Minnesota
UMO = Unversity of Missouri
T = Other
VGL = UC Davis VGL

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