
Golden Retriever

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Change history for DK.BR.CH Clockburn Clooneen

7/1/2002 7:35:11 AM:
Added by John Nikolajsen

7/1/2002 7:41:51 AM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen
name=clockburn Clooneen, SearchName=CLOCKBURNCLOONEEN, FrontTitles=FT.A., CallName=clyde, Gender=M, Country=GB, BirthDay=05, BirthMonth=12, BirthYear=1997, Registry=Other, RegistrationNumber=22594/97 DKK, Breeder=PETER J S HOLMES, Owner=JOHN NIKOLAJSEN, HipID=B1/B1, ElbowID=0/0, Website=www.GLEENMHOR.COM

7/1/2002 7:50:23 AM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen
sireID=77708, damID=77709

7/1/2002 10:30:37 AM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen
Breeder=PETER J S HOLMES skotland, Owner=JOHN NIKOLAJSEN Danmark, Website=www.Gleenmhor.com

7/10/2002 10:53:23 PM:
Modified by Marlene Hansen
name=Clockburn Clooneen

7/11/2002 1:38:02 PM:
Modified by Norma Zvolsky

7/11/2002 1:38:52 PM:
Modified by Norma Zvolsky

7/11/2002 1:39:33 PM:
Modified by Norma Zvolsky
CallName=Clyde, Registry=Unknown

7/11/2002 1:40:11 PM:
Modified by Norma Zvolsky

7/16/2002 11:27:25 AM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen
EyeID=0608/2001 Free

11/9/2002 8:36:55 AM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen

11/14/2002 11:10:40 AM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen
EyeID=17/092002 Free

11/14/2002 11:10:57 AM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen
EyeID=17/09 2002 Free

3/6/2004 11:29:23 AM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen
Honorifics=field trailer of the year 2003, EyeID=1201/2004free

11/4/2004 2:34:09 PM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen

11/4/2004 2:56:16 PM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen
Honorifics=field trailer of the year 2003. The Gun,s choise

11/4/2004 2:58:03 PM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen
Honorifics=field trailer of the year 2003

12/5/2004 12:03:20 PM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen

12/30/2004 12:21:26 PM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen
EyeID=30/12. 2004 free

6/4/2005 2:05:22 AM:
Modified by Norma Zvolsky
BirthDay=12, BirthMonth=05

11/16/2005 12:33:53 PM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen
EyeID=14/11. 2005 free

8/3/2006 3:13:34 PM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen

8/3/2006 3:15:33 PM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen

10/10/2006 3:08:32 PM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen
EyeID=02/10. 2006 free

9/28/2007 4:33:01 PM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen
EyeID=27-09. 2007 free

2/28/2008 1:59:59 PM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen

10/14/2009 3:29:19 PM:
Modified by Viktoria von Gruben
Honorifics=field trialer of the year 2003

1/15/2012 5:05:31 AM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen
DeathDay=01, DeathYear=2012, Registry=FCI

1/15/2012 5:05:59 AM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen
DeathDay=13, DeathMonth=1

6/29/2020 3:09:33 PM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen

6/29/2020 3:10:05 PM:
Modified by John Nikolajsen

Key for gene testing results:
C = Clear
R = Carrier
A = Affected
P = Clear by Parentage
CO = Clear inferred by offspring
RO = Carrier inferred by offspring
RP = Carrier inferred by parentage

Key for gene testing labs:
A = Antegene
AVC = Alfort Veterinary College
EM = Embark
G = Animal Genetics
L = Laboklin
O = Optigen
P = Paw Print
UM = University of Minnesota
UMO = Unversity of Missouri
T = Other
VGL = UC Davis VGL

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