
Golden Retriever

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Change history for Mariah's Morgana D' Avalon

7/14/2002 10:28:55 PM:
Added by Leslie Blythe
Mariah's Morgana D' Avalon

7/14/2002 10:30:04 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
CallName=Morgan, BirthDay=17, BirthMonth=04, BirthYear=2002, Breeder=Leslie Blythe & Mark Wilkinson, Mariah Goldens, Owner=Leslie Blythe & Mark Wilkinson, Mariah Goldens, Website=Website under construction (email: leslieb@wyoming.com)

7/14/2002 10:30:25 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
sireID=16137, damID=54516

7/14/2002 10:30:47 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
Gender=F, Country=US

7/14/2002 10:31:43 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
Breeder=Leslie Blythe, Mark Wilkinson & Judith Preston

7/22/2002 8:31:40 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
Honorifics=The Camelot Litter, Registry=AKC

9/10/2002 10:03:31 AM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
Honorifics=Best Puppy in Match-Casper, Wyoming 2002, RegistrationNumber=SN911094/06

9/10/2002 10:10:37 AM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
CallName=Morgan , Honorifics=Best Puppy in Match-Casper, WY 02

1/4/2003 3:08:13 AM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
EyeID=GR-25228/2002-8, EyeRegistry=CERF

1/4/2003 3:18:13 AM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe

2/20/2003 1:52:51 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
Honorifics=Puppy BOB-Plum Creek KC, Denver-2003

3/10/2003 10:23:40 AM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
HipID=Prelim Normal 12/02, ElbowID=Prelim Normal 12/02

4/13/2003 10:47:06 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
Honorifics=BBE-Best in Show, Terry All KC; Puppy BOB, Denver

5/26/2003 9:09:26 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
EndTitles=BBE-BIS, Terry All KC-2003 (championship pointed), Honorifics=BOB from 12-18 class; Puppy BOB, Denver, EyeID=GR-25227/2003-13

5/26/2003 9:11:11 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
EndTitles=-- BBE Best in Show, Terry All KC-2003 (CH. ptd.)

7/8/2003 8:02:59 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
HeartID=Clear-15 monhts, HeartRegistry=OFA

7/8/2003 8:04:24 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
Honorifics=BOB @ 13 months; Puppy BOB, Denver 2003, HeartID=Clear-15 months

7/21/2003 3:37:51 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe

7/21/2003 3:41:10 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe

12/8/2003 11:45:41 AM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe

12/17/2003 12:05:01 AM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe

12/23/2003 2:08:27 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
Honorifics=BOB @ 12 months; Puppy BOB, Denver 2003

4/24/2004 1:42:12 AM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
Owner=Leslie Blythe, Mark Wilkinson, Tammy Tomlinson

5/3/2004 12:05:17 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe

5/3/2004 1:25:52 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe

8/9/2004 2:59:58 AM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
EndTitles=(Major Ptd) BBE BIS, Terry All KC 2003

12/9/2004 6:25:42 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
EndTitles=(Major Pointed-11 pts) BBE BIS, Terry All KC 2003

12/19/2004 3:58:10 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
EndTitles=(Major Ptd) Bred-By Best in Show, TerryAll KC 03

3/22/2005 10:29:01 AM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
HipID=Prelim Good-2003 , ElbowID=Prelim Normal -2003

11/14/2005 11:14:38 AM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe

11/14/2005 11:15:21 AM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
HipID=Prelim Good 03, ElbowID=Prelim Normal 03

6/2/2006 1:10:41 AM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
Owner=Leslie Blythe & Mark Wilkinson

8/4/2006 10:14:58 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe

8/4/2006 10:17:30 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe

8/4/2006 10:36:37 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe

4/2/2014 10:14:40 PM:
Modified by Leslie Blythe
HipID=GR-84499F24F-PI, HipRegistry=OFA, ElbowID=DJD Grade 1-Unilateral Right, ElbowRegistry=OFA

5/17/2023 1:47:52 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
EndTitles="", Honorifics="BOB @ 12 months; Puppy BOB, Denver 2003; (Major Ptd) Bred-By Best in Show, TerryAll KC ""03", RegistrationNumber="SN91109406", CountryResidence="US"

Key for gene testing results:
C = Clear
R = Carrier
A = Affected
P = Clear by Parentage
CO = Clear inferred by offspring
RO = Carrier inferred by offspring
RP = Carrier inferred by parentage

Key for gene testing labs:
A = Antegene
AVC = Alfort Veterinary College
EM = Embark
G = Animal Genetics
L = Laboklin
O = Optigen
P = Paw Print
UM = University of Minnesota
UMO = Unversity of Missouri
T = Other
VGL = UC Davis VGL

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