
Golden Retriever

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Change history for HR UH Onedrdog's Stormwatch SH RN

3/28/2017 6:44:54 PM:
Added by kathy miner

3/28/2017 6:47:46 PM:
Modified by kathy miner
CallName=ZEN, Gender=M, Country=CA, BirthDay=28, BirthMonth=10, BirthYear=2016, Registry=CKC, RegistrationNumber=DU685631, Breeder=KATHY MINER, Owner=LORNE & PATTY STEED, KATHY MINER, Microchip=956000009598480, CountryResidence=CA, StateResidence=BC

3/28/2017 6:48:36 PM:
Modified by kathy miner
sireID=258222, damID=404115

8/28/2018 10:22:20 AM:
Modified by Lorne Steed
EndTitles=Am SH

10/1/2018 12:54:06 PM:
Modified by kathy miner
PRAStatus=C, PRARegistry=P, PRAID=67344, PRA1Status=C, PRA1Registry=P, PRA1ID=67344, IchStatus=C, IchRegistry=P, IchID=67344, PRA2Status=C, PRA2Registry=P, PRA2ID=67344, DMStatus=C, DMRegistry=P, DMID=67344

1/3/2019 8:12:49 PM:
Modified by Lorne Steed

6/13/2019 11:56:26 AM:
Modified by Lorne Steed

6/13/2019 5:49:23 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
name=Onedrdogs Stormwatch, Honorifics=AKC reg#SS00992502

8/9/2020 6:51:22 PM:
Modified by Lorne Steed
FrontTitles=HR UH

4/24/2021 1:33:25 PM:
Modified by Lorne Steed
ElbowID=DU685631, ElbowRegistry=OFA

4/24/2021 1:45:01 PM:
Modified by Lorne Steed
PHLeft=42, PHRight=32

4/24/2021 11:12:32 PM:
Modified by Lesley Albin
HipID=GR-127287F34M-VPI, HipRegistry=OFA, ElbowID=GR-EL46879M34-VPI

5/1/2021 11:37:34 AM:
Modified by Lorne Steed

5/11/2021 8:02:45 PM:
Modified by Lorne Steed

6/1/2022 11:03:33 AM:
Modified by Lorne Steed
EyeID=GR-EYE27361/67M-VPI, EyeRegistry=OFA

7/29/2023 9:12:31 PM:
Modified by Lorne Steed

7/29/2023 9:13:15 PM:
Modified by Lorne Steed

11/19/2023 6:00:11 PM:
Modified by Lorne Steed
EndTitles="SH RN"

Key for gene testing results:
C = Clear
R = Carrier
A = Affected
P = Clear by Parentage
CO = Clear inferred by offspring
RO = Carrier inferred by offspring
RP = Carrier inferred by parentage

Key for gene testing labs:
A = Antegene
AVC = Alfort Veterinary College
EM = Embark
G = Animal Genetics
L = Laboklin
O = Optigen
P = Paw Print
UM = University of Minnesota
UMO = Unversity of Missouri
T = Other
VGL = UC Davis VGL

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