
Golden Retriever

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Clear Creeks Lilly Of The Valley  (2/1/2019-)

Five generation pedigree:

Clear Creeks Lilly Of The Valley
Sir William Of Council House [OFA GR-109995G27M-VPI]
Gold-Rush The Sun King [OFA GR-95424G37M-VPI]
Am/Can Ch Gold-Rush Spencer Tracy [OFA GR-83163G24M-PI]
Am./Can. CH. Gold-Rush Matt Dillon [OFA GR-59237G24M-T]
Am./Can. CH. Westben Oak Ridge Cadet OS [OFA GR-47488G115M-PI]
D's Gold-Rush Madonna [OFA GR-47523F44F-T]
Gold-Rush Pelcorp Wendy [OFA GR-70300G30F-T]
Am. CH. Sunshine Hill's Nat'l Cowboy OS SDHF [OFA GR-35957F26M]
Pelcorp's Hurricane Betsy [OFA GR-59786G35F]
Briggs' Goldrush First Lady [OFA GR-84073G28F-PI]
BISS AM CH Sunbeam's Private Party OS [OFA GR-78621G40M-PI]
BISS Ch. Sunbeams Command Performance SDHF OS [OFA GR-70036G25M-T]
Can. Ch. Goldenbear Gowing Wild At Sunbeam [OFA GR-68194G35F-T]
CH Gingerbread Lucky Lady [OFA GR-68118G27F-T]
CH Briggs' Gold-Rush Hercules [OFA GR-47301F26M]
Gold-Rush Shelby [OFA GR-49787E31F]
Marvelous Misty Of Solid Rock
Snowy River Bear [OFA GR-95541G28M-VPI]
Talk-Of-The-Town De Champernoune [OFA GR-88279G43M-PI]
Standfast Plato de Champernoune [FCI HD-A]
Tallygold Gentle On My Mind [FCI HD-A]
Mountain Countrys White Crystal [OFA GR-88681E24F-PI]
IntCh. Eveningstars Mallory's Moses [OFA GR-81330G25M-PI]
Eveningstars Madys Goldnlite [OFA GR-80034E24F-PI]
Tara Mediguard [OFA GR-95426G43F-VPI]
RCH Cum Laude, RCH, MOCH, JCH Ordoghegyi-Berni Harrys Derby winner, 2xChamp.of Champ. [ Free]
CH INTER Jackralee Onyx of Galans [ HD B(1995)]
Ordoghegyi Berni Holly [ HD-1]
Ersekkerti Arany Cintia
ICH, HJCH Galans Vagabund [ A/A]
Buckaroos Bella Boo [OFA GR-120683G31F-VPI]
Chloes Bonfire Buckaroo
Maple Chase Of Rock Creek
Maple Leaf's Buckaroo Bonzi
Wraith's Duncan MH *** OS [OFA GR-23010G24M]
Mo-Tivater's Maple Leaf [OFA GR-35629G24F]
Pete Rose Of Rock Creek
Brebeau's N Barry's Gustopher
Mickey Mantle Ronald Creek
Heidi Ho Sunkissed Tessa
Ch Sunkisd Dealer's Choice CD CGC [OFA GR-61420F32M-T]
BIS BISS Am/Can Ch. Genuine Winfield's Just Do It SDHF OS [OFA GR-40476G24M]
Amberac Bet a Milyon To Win VCD1 CDX CGC [OFA GR-48142G25F]
Big Sky Ruby MTN Heidi Ho [OFA GR-73609G30F-NOPI]
Big Sky Smoke'N Rocket SH [OFA GR-54279E24M]
Braids Ruby MT Red [OFA GR-59230G31F]
BJ's Tanacetum Cutieform
Dakota Buddy II
Trooper Dakota Gold
Tanners Dr Thor
Ms Lady Branign
Penny Dakota Rose
Mahto Ska
Dakota Brass Abby
Cuddly Tee Bear
Seranade's Cuddly Bear
Maximum Golden Delight [OFA GR-60568G59M ]
Princess Golden Murphy
Teela V
Mighty Max Reggie
Yo's Yozyann Walker

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