
Golden Retriever

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Gold Meadows Nifty  (5/11/1968-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Gold Meadows Nifty
Willow Rip
Larry Fawntaine
Golden Eddy
Lynda's Golden King
Golden Chief
Snapper (S109150)
Kota's Sensational Penny
Golden Burger
Duke Of Pleasant Lake
Kin-Ken ***
Tonkahof June
Regard's Una
Tonkahof Ueland
Buffalake Golden Lady
Princess Pride
Dance Mac Nebel UD
Chips Of Chi-Pri
Ripper of Geibe Acres
Cissy Of Campbell Meadows
Pride Baby
Buddy's Dusty Boy
Compton's Star Baby
Peggys Pride
Gold (S982871)
Fewacre's Golden Terry
Dutchess of Golden Acres
Peg Of My Heart
Golden Eddy
Golden Burger
Pine Elm's Duchess
Briggs Lake Windy **
FC AFC Briggs Lake Mac FDHF
Granite City Red
Kin-Ken ***
Tonkahof June
Briggs Lake Ginger
Golden Boy Hanauer
Lady of the Valley
Polly (S543606)
Granite City Stretch
Kin-Ken ***
Tonkahof June
Daisy Of Stony Creek
Beautywood's T ***
Peters' Patricia
Mark Duck Cola's Coca
Mark Duck Cola
Rusty of Markwell ***
Golden Chief
Roedare's Lady
Link's Golden Girl
Sir Earl Richfield
Steven's Goldrush Judy
Oak Lee's Chenan Egan
Skywater's Run Joe
FC AFC Oakcreek's Sir Dorchester OS FDHF [9 years]
Rushmore's Golden Arrow ***
Blondie Oak Lee
Duke O'York
Gilders Gold

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