
Golden Retriever

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Chisleay Chase The Dream

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Chisleay Chase The Dream
SH. CH. Thornywait Rossini JW
WW'17, UK Sh.Ch, It.Ch, Swiss Ch, C.I.E. Il Trovatore Della Val d'Aveto EJW'13 - Jun.It.Ch.
Oscar To Denver
CH. IT. E CH. INT Dreamylake Day And Night
Int. CH. & FT. CH. Stanroph Standing Ovation
Dreamylake Daredevil
Lulu C'est Moi
JWW'02 V.Eu Ch It. Ch. Kukkola Made My Way
Kalu for Kyla
C.I.E. , IT/HR/SWI CH Don't Cry For Me Argentina
It JCh, It Ch, Int Ch. Double Willow Dragon Fly
Royal Crest Gold-N Paddington
Double Willow Sunrise
It. Ch, C.I.E. Double Willow Rossina Dell'Aveto
Italian / San Marino/Swedish/Austrian/Int. CH. Pinkerly Never Say Never Giovane Promessa ENCI
Ch Rip Double Willow Good Mood [13 years]
Thornywait Pixie Crunch JW
JEW'07, INT CH, SPA/PT/GBZ/DK CH, HR JCH Ritzilyn Rick O'Shay [12 years]
Eng Sh Ch Ritzilyn Brandon JW [12 years]
Eng.Sh.Ch Perrimay Hugo Of Fenwood [11.5 years]
Eng. SH. CH. Ritzilyn Stage Door Jenny
Eng Sh Ch Pearlbarn Periwinkle for Ritzilyn
Eng. Ch. Ritzilyn Cockney Robin JW, SGWC [8 years]
Stanroph Sandancer for Pearlbarn
Eng Sh Ch Putjade Partypingla at Thornywait JW
SU (u) Ch Floprym Rivaldo [10 years]
NU CH, SU(u)CH Inassicas Snow Storm
SU(U)CH NUCH Floprym Y Hazel Nut
Putjade Paint The Town Red
Gracewood Castaway To Putjade
Putjade Paws For Applause
Helnlea Miss Mischief At Chisleay
Can Ch Linirgor Spin The Bottle JW
EW'15, Multi Ch. Majik Truth Or Dare NL/D/VDH/LUX/INT/SE/DK BDSG '10, Am.Winner '10 [12.5 years]
C.I.E. , SE/DK/LT/LV/EE/BAL CH, NL VCH Majik Finders Keepers DKW-11
Est Junior Ch, Fin JW-05, Balt JW-06 Remington Razzle Dazzle [7.5 years]
Majik Whiter Shade
Majik Vissi D'Arte [12 years]
Delindas Sincerely Love
Majik Noblesse Oblige
Ch Linirgor Mimi JW
Willowlawn Entent Cordiale JW [8.5 years]
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere [10.5 years]
Willowlawn The Actress [11 years]
Linirgor Luvmelots JW [15 years]
Eng Sh Ch Stanroph Endelwood Nicolas JW [12.5 years]
Linirgor I Luv U [6 years]
Helnlea Heart of Soul
Cesarka Harbour Master JW
Eng.Sh.Ch Erinderry Just The Ticket from Bluewaters JW [13 years]
Sh Ch & Ir Sh Ch Gunhills Blue River
Ir. Sh. Ch. & Int. Ch. Erinderry Firebird [12.5 years]
Cesarka Funny Girl
SU (u) Ch Floprym Rivaldo [10 years]
Ritzilyn Rock Candy With Cesarka
Chisleay Jitterbug
Willowlawn Entent Cordiale JW [8.5 years]
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere [10.5 years]
Willowlawn The Actress [11 years]
Chisleay Magic Dancer
Eng.Sh.Ch Telkaro First Look JW, ShCM
Chisleay A Cappella

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