K9data.comLabrador Retriever

BLUE HOPE Kreuzburg

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

BLUE HOPE Kreuzburg
GB Sh CH Secret Moment at Alkhamhurst
GB SH CH, IR SH CH, INT SH CH Carpenny Made A Million EW'09, Veteran CH, CW '17 [11 years]
LU,NL,PL,GE,INT,GB CH Carpenny Made The Trip
Lembas To The Moon And Back JW [8.5 years]
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About
Lembas Mysterious Girl
UK ShCh Carpenny Rustina
Kamrats Rustibus
GB SH CH Covetwood Elouise of Carpenny
GB SH CH, SE UCH, NO CH Mambrinos Spellbound at Carpenny
CIB GB SH CH NORD CH Carpenny Walpole [13 years]
Hawkmoors Webster [10 years]
GB SH CH Covetwood Elouise of Carpenny
NUCH SE U(u)CH VWW-08 Mambrinos Lemony
SE VCH NO V-99 SE U(U)CH NO UCH Mambrinos 4 Wheel Drive
N Ch. Mambrinos Gertie
Carpenny Spinning Wheel
Rockledge Wordsmith of Carpenny
CIB GB SH CH NORD CH Carpenny Walpole [13 years]
Hawkmoors Webster [10 years]
GB SH CH Covetwood Elouise of Carpenny
Rockledge Bramble
INT UCH NORD UCH Trendmaker's Mugwump
Rockledge Mint Juliet
GB SH CH Carpenny Whist
Hawkmoors Webster [10 years]
Am CH Dickendall Arnold [12.5 years]
Hawksmoors Ravens Flight
UK ShCh Carpenny Rustina
Kamrats Rustibus
GB SH CH Covetwood Elouise of Carpenny
Ch Blue Ray Kreuzburg
CIB Multi.CH. Simandem Silversmith at Rocheby
Eng Sh Ch Silver Suede Over Rocheby [11.5 years]
Int. Ch., NLCh, FRCh Ahti Aspen of Finnwoods [14 years]
INT CH Palabras Blue Bayo [8.5 years]
DRC-Jgd.CH. Hirsipirtin Xedos
Bridgeford Crystal Clear Over Rocheby
Eng Sh Ch Rocheby Whisky Mac [15 years]
Brambleridge Rave Review of Bridgeford
Rocheby Ice Dance at Simandem
Sh Ch Rocheby State Occasion
Rocheby Old Smokey [12.5 years]
Brambleridge Rave Review of Bridgeford
Rocheby Ice
Delark Tobermory at Rocheby
GB Sh Ch Rocheby Powder Blue
Lara Kreuzburg [7.5 years]
Nzoro Leminiscatus
INTCH, CHPL MŁCHPL Strongline's Kernel
INT CH Palabras Blue Bayo [8.5 years]
FI UCH INT UCH Strongline's Ever Known [14.5 years]
Pl Ch Tiga Pod Jablonia [6 years]
Int.Ch., EUW-99 Belle Armani of The Music Forest
Pl Ch Zaira Golden Erinor
Janet Z Niedzwiedziej Gawry [13.5 years]
Avalon's Tap The Rockies BB
AmCH Graemoor Tim CD JH
Avalon's Alpha Sadona
Dorka z Babske Skaly CS
Ch Cyril z Ruzoveho kere
FANNY z Jivat

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