Labrador Retriever
Aust Ch Blackboy Creme DLa Creme (5/20/2005-)
Five generation pedigree:
Aust Ch Blackboy Creme DLa Creme
Aust CH Roughfield Royal Cadet
AUST/NZ CH Cambremer Royal Monarch
[BVA 2:2]
Eng CH Rocheby Royal Oak
[ 8/8]
Poolstead Pretentious At Rocheby
[BVA 3/3]
Eng Sh Ch Poolstead Preferential
Poolstead Precious Pearl
Eng Sh Ch Rocheby Acorn
[BVA 6/6]
Playmate of Bensondale
Rocheby Polished Oak
[BVA 3/6]
Cambremer Magic Moment
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner
[BVA 1/0]
Gb Sh Am Can CH Lindall Mastercraft JH
[ 0]
Kupros Bridget
[BVA 0:0]
C.C.W. Cambremer Montclair
GB Ch Fabracken Comedy Star
[ 6/13]
Sh Ch Cambremer St. Clair
Aust Ch Roughfield Taste of Honey
NZ & AUST CH Lissara Turn on the Sun
Oakhouse Classical Note
Candlemas Longley Notation
Oakhouse Opium
NZ Ch Mascot Going Somewhere
Aust. Nz.Ch. Poolstead Probable
Marshelgan Mischief
NZ Ch Lissara Some Like It Hot
Aust CH Driftway Statesman
AUS Ch Longley Speak Easy
Aust CH Driftway Dusky Dreamer
Aust & NZ Ch Lissara Crystal Gayle
NZ Ch Tesdin Royal Routine
Lissara Chiefs Serenade
Aust Ch Blackboy Brandy Bitz
[ 5:4]
Aust Ch Kadnook Hes A Huntsman NRD
Aust CH Strangways Tango
AUST/NZ CH Cambremer Royal Monarch
[BVA 2:2]
Eng CH Rocheby Royal Oak
[ 8/8]
Cambremer Magic Moment
Aust Ch Strangways Bellbird
Driftway Sandpiper
Strangways Nightingale
Kadnook Coals Wonder
Dual Ch Blackboy Scots Coal
Aust CH Tarbert The Scotsman (IID)
Aust CH Compeer Clarissa
Kadnook Clearly A Wonder
Lawnwoods Shergar
Aust Ch Kadnook The Wonderlass
Bagadash Shadow Dancer
[BVA 2:2]
Penny Royal's Dutchman at Farnfield
[BVA 3:2]
NL Ch Rocheby Royal Marine
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner
[BVA 1/0]
Rocheby Shady Lady
[BVA 4/8]
Farbourne's Tiebreak
[ TC]
Donalbain Shadow
[FCI A2]
Farbourne's Hole in One (NHSB 1696734)
[ B]
Brynseion Brittany of Bagadash
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About
[BVA 3/7]
UK Ch Sandylands My Guy
[BVA 7/7]
GB Sh Ch Sandylands Bliss
[BVA 4/4]
Brynseion Barbie
[BVA 4:9]
GB Ch. Trenow Brigadier
[BVA 4-4]
Brynseion Cha-Cha
[BVA 3:4]
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