
Golden Retriever

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Rowshane Serenade

Five generation pedigree:

Rowshane Serenade
Coquetdale Emerald
Axel of Shiremoor
Drofserla Chancery
Rushlight Remus
Eng. CH. Simon of Westley
Candy Of Fairhill
Eng. SH. CH./Am. CH. Alresford Harringay Am. CD
Eng. CH. Alresford Advertiser
Alresford Emblem
Craignair Hyacinth
Craignair Bracken
Torrbury Handsome Lad
Fordvale Bess
Fordvale Bess
Boltby Kymba
Eng. CH. Beauchasse Gaiety
Sweet Melody of Coquet
Abbotsford Dale
Boltby Masterpiece
Eng. CH. Boltby Moonraker
Boltby Kymba
Eng. SH. Ch. Torrdale Kim of Stenbury
Dorcas Leola
Boltby Sunshine
Eng. CH. Torrdale Happy Lad
Torrdale Gillyflower
Boltby Gay Skylark < Gay Skylark
Eng. CH. Boltby Skylon
Boltby Kymba
Boltby Sweet Melody
Glorious Sunset
Eng. CH. Torrdale Faithful
Goldtrieve Dainty
Dianella of Cleavers
Eng. Ch. Camrose Fantango
Dorcas Timberscombe Topper
Dorcas Bruin
Timberscombe Trefoil
Golden Camrose Tess
Sherrydan Damson
Sunshine Of Slat
Eng. CH. Lakol of Yelme
Eng. CH. Nikolai of Elsiville
Tim of Elsiville
Nesta of Elsiville
Later of Yelme
Gilick of Yelme
Sunar (daughter of Stubbings Golden Quietude)

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