
Golden Retriever

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Sally's Golden Princess  (9/11/1972-)

Five generation pedigree:

Sally's Golden Princess
Budwieser (SA723817)
Jacobie (SA459867)
Fremont's Big Laddie
Jim's Big Red Rusty
Tigathoe's Brass Blade OS
The Spruce Duchess
Tinker's Ty of Solhjem
Ghost Crick Sunshine
Tawny of Bay
Indian Knoll's Pennesawassee
Indian Knoll's Jolly Rebel
Cossack The Terrible
Krisan's Contrary Mary
Indian Knoll's Aksutamaki
Indian Knoll's Buckaroo
Indian Knoll's Mis-Chief
Simba Sandie
Cherokee Toby
Cherokee Chipper
Bingo of Idlewild
Tonkahof Cherry
Cherokee Golden Gal
Gold In Hills Jerry
Gold In Hills Kerkie
Bo Bo of South Bend
Gena's Golden Skipper
Olympic's Skokomish Belle
Gena's Fancy Carpet
Golden Knoll's Magic Carpet
Gayhaven Fancy
Golden Glow Goldie
Charlie Brown Of Edwardsburg
Conquest Of Anbria [OFA GRC-067]
Eng./Irish Dual CH. David Of Westley
Eng. CH. Dorcas Glorious of Slat
Eng. CH. Susan of Westley
Eng. Ch. Jane of Anbria
Eng. CH. William of Westley
Eng. CH. Briar Of Arbrook
Indian Knoll's Tamara/Indian Knolls Tamara
Indian Knoll's Buckaroo
Beach Haven Golden King
Christina De Oro
Indian Knoll's Niagara Girl
Am. CH. Markiki's Tad Of Cordilleras
Tasha (SA024918)
Tuckim's Lola Bridge-It Ah
Conquest Of Anbria [OFA GRC-067]
Eng./Irish Dual CH. David Of Westley
Eng. CH. Dorcas Glorious of Slat
Eng. CH. Susan of Westley
Eng. Ch. Jane of Anbria
Eng. CH. William of Westley
Eng. CH. Briar Of Arbrook
Tuckim's Gingersnap [OFA GRC-5]
Tuckim's Marshland Hobeau
Am/Can CH. Gilder's Wingra Beau OS [ Normal - MSU]
Dixie Rebel's Altha
Seg-Mar's Starfire
Eng./Irish Dual CH. David Of Westley
Irish FT. CH. Stubblesdown Vanda

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