
Golden Retriever

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Westfield's Golden Eagle  (6/14/1971-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Westfield's Golden Eagle
The Golden Man For All Seasons
Vici's Red Red Robin/Vicki's Red Red Robin
Lynnhaven Riptide
Golden Blaze II
Golden Penny Of Taramar
R. R. Alicia
Golden Lass II
Ruanme Clarence
Dash Of Pine Knoll
Vicki's Tammy
Golden Talisman Of Flomich
Golden Luck Of Dewstraw
Talisman Of Pinery
Beauty's Golden Mischief
Lassellsville Big Snow
Sidram Sweetheart
Riverview's Zahna
Gunnerman's Red Fox *
Cedarburg Joe
Trigger of Twelve Gage
Gunnerman's Nina
Gunnermans Proper OD
Chips of Gold OS
Gunnerman's Duchess II
Riverview's Golden Gamble **
Am. CH. Golden Knoll's Town Talk CD *** SDHF
Am. CH. Golden Knoll's Shur Shot CD OS SDHF
AmCH Des Lacs Goldie CD ** OD
Gunnerman's Copper Penny **
Cedarburg Joe
Gunnermans Proper OD
Shoreland's Golden Girl
Tigathoes Nickotee **
FC AFC Nickolas Of Logan's End FDHF [8 years]
Sir Charles Of MT Whitney *** OS
Golden North Bingo
Kentucky Princess
Tiny Alice
Enatai's Golden Dust
Suiter's Fleetway
FC AFC FTCH Stilrovin Tuppee Tee FDHF [10.5 years]
Stilrovin Bearcat OS
Stilrovin Terry Lee ***
Bonnie Of Bear Creek ***
Pink Lady of Audlon ** OD [9.5 years]
AmCH AFC Lorelei's Golden Rockbottom UD OS SDHF [9.5 years]
Masaka Of Wynford
Thirsty Lake Molly Brown
Am. CH. Golden Band of High Farms WC OS
Am. CH. Ritz of High Farms OS [10.5 years]
Am. CH. Feather Fetch Tucker
Am. CH. Golden Gal of High Farms CDX OD [ years]
Meadow Creek Ko-Ko OD
J P's Golden Ripper
Kingdale's Penny III
Tigathoe's Happy Talk *
Goldenrod's Ray Of Friendship **
FC AFC Can Dual CH Rockhaven Raynard of Fo-Go-Ta FDHF
Am. CH. Broken Bank's Ha'Penny Bit
Am. CH. Tigathoe's Slick Chick
Am. Dual CH AFC Craigmar Dustrack OS DDHF FDHF [11.5 years]
Royal Nugget of Belle Mount

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