K9data.comLabrador Retriever


Five generation pedigree:

George vom Hofesaat [FCI A2/A2]
Leannanalba Droigheann [ A/A ]
FTCh Leadburn Viceroy [BVA 4/4]
FTCh Willowyck Ruff [BVA 3/4]
FTCh Willowyck Henman [BVA 6/5]
Cleeveway Nestle [BVA 3/3]
FTCh Rockingstone Hope of Leadburn [ 6/5]
FTCh Shortthorn Tommy of Leadburn [BVA 6/4]
Rockingstone Pride [ 5/10]
FTW Moodie May [BVA 4/6]
Broadlaw Ewan [BVA 3/5]
FTCh Baildonian Baron of Craighorn [BVA 2/1]
FTCh Kenue Cedar [BVA 5/4]
FTAW Cracking Karamel [BVA 5/6]
Copper Chad of Kilgour [BVA 6/6]
Drumtochty Karamel [BVA 3/2]
Tyrrellison Shooting Star [ A2/A2]
FTCh, IR FTCh Apache Joe [BVA 4/3]
Ir.FTCh Copperbirch Zeus of Glenanne [BVA 8/3]
FTCh Pocklea Adder [BVA 3/3]
Crowhill Jet of Copperbirch [BVA 6/4]
Shangarrilyn Kim of Copperbirch [BVA 3/5]
FTCh Saxaphone Express [BVA 3/4]
OFTW Premierleek Classic of Shangarrilyn [BVA 5/7]
Copperbirch Santa's Helper of Tyrrellison [BVA 0/0]
FTCh Donaghaguy Garnet [BVA 2/5]
Ir.FTCh Gary of Clonbara [BVA 4/2]
OFTW Donaghaguy Holly [BVA 5/5]
Brookbird Maeve of Copperbirch [BVA 3/4]
FTCh Ernevale Urn [BVA 5/4]
FTCh Brookbird Dusty [BVA 8/8]
Maesysaith Freja [ B1/B1]
Dual Mac At Artistryn [ A (BVA 4/5)]
FTCh, IR FTCh Apache Joe [BVA 4/3]
Ir.FTCh Copperbirch Zeus of Glenanne [BVA 8/3]
FTCh Pocklea Adder [BVA 3/3]
Crowhill Jet of Copperbirch [BVA 6/4]
Shangarrilyn Kim of Copperbirch [BVA 3/5]
FTCh Saxaphone Express [BVA 3/4]
OFTW Premierleek Classic of Shangarrilyn [BVA 5/7]
FTW Little Spirit [BVA 3/5]
FTCh Donaghaguy Garnet [BVA 2/5]
Ir.FTCh Gary of Clonbara [BVA 4/2]
OFTW Donaghaguy Holly [BVA 5/5]
FTAW Just Beth [BVA 2/2]
Threespires Mister Spud [BVA 7/6]
Drumcullen Lucy [BVA 3/5]
Shangarrilyn Jubilee [BVA 5/5]
INT FTCh Waysgreen Apollo [BVA 4/4]
FTCh Dipplelodge Raven of Riversway [BVA 5/5]
FTCh Endacott Soames of Riversway [BVA 5/5]
FTW Dolbrenin Sian [BVA 7/6]
FTW Waterford Faustina [BVA 2/2]
FTCh Willowyck Ruff [BVA 3/4]
FTCh Waterford Covey [BVA 4/2]
FTW Abbotsross Hazel of Shangarrilyn [BVA 5/5]
FTCh Wingsham Tinder of Smithsteads [BVA 4/4]
FTCh Goldscleugh's Butler of Shadowbrae [BVA 3/5]
Saddleworth Bouncing Boy [BVA 8/6]
OFTW Shangarrilyn Selene
FTCh Craighorn Bracken (KCSB 3306CI) [BVA 5/4]
OFTW Premierleek Classic of Shangarrilyn [BVA 5/7]

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