K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Sunny Height's Brandy You're A Fine Girl  (10/5/2012-)

Five generation pedigree:

Sunny Height's Brandy You're A Fine Girl
FC Blackwaters Last Resort
FC AFC Blackwater Rudy [OFA LR-75788E24M]
FC AFC Blackwater Bart II [OFA LR-45510G27M]
NAFC FC The Little Duke Of Fargo [OFA LR-32504F61M]
FC AFC Ebony Comets Duke [OFA LR-17892 (Normal)]
Kankakee Katie
FC AFC Rocky Mountain Star II [OFA LR-17689]
FC AFC Rascal's Medicine Man [OFA LR-6865]
Double G's Baby Snooks
Little Misty Of Tulsa *** [OFA LR-33523G49F]
'80CNFC FC AFC Hiwood Piper Pacer's Pic [OFA LR-14200 ]
'82CNFC '82NAFC FC AFC Piper's Pacer [OFA LR-10116 ]
All Star's Jumping Joy [OFA LR-9796]
FC Ebony Comet's Misty
AFC Westwinds Pedro [OFA LR-11901]
Wanapum's Ebony Comet ***
Dancin Dreamer Kate MH
FC AFC Dare to Dream [OFA LR-55003E31M]
FC AFC Wilderness Harley To Go [OFA LR-19528]
FC AFC Itchin' To Go [OFA LR-7825]
AFC Black Golds Candlewood Kate [OFA LR-13155]
FC AFC Fishtrap Aggie [OFA LR-26064E24F]
FC AFC Trumarc's Hot Pursuit [OFA LR-12851]
Tory's Queen Bee *** [OFA LR-12680]
HRCH Tanks Alot For The Dance MH [OFA LR-96935F24F-T]
FC AFC Texas W B Cocky Two Stepper [OFA LR-60994E24M]
FC AFC Trumarc's Hot Pursuit [OFA LR-12851]
AFC Candlewoods Ms Costalot [OFA LR-46695E29F]
Limestone's Pic A Winner MH [OFA LR-57376F31F]
NFC NAFC FC AFC Candlewoods Super Tanker [OFA LR-22669]
FC Misty's Pic Annie MH [OFA LR-26298F25F]
Lone Willow's Hannah Montana *** [ Excellent]
NFC FC AFC Five Star General Patton [OFA LR-97095G24M-T]
2xCNAFC 2xNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac [OFA LR-46627G24M-T]
'87CNFC '92CNAFC Waldorf's High Tech [OFA LR-22799-T]
CFC Rascal's Super Spud [OFA LR-9962-T]
Itchin's Flying Tiger ***
Ebonaceae Princess WCX QA2 [OFA LR-21503-T]
Trieven El Conquistador
Skookum's Sky Raider
HRCH Dust Devil's Desert Duk MH*** [OFA LR-52382G27F-T]
FC AFC CFC CAFC MHR Jazztime (SF019974) MH [OFA LR-33871G26M]
AFC CFC CAFC Trieven Classical Jazz MH [OFA LR-10873]
Jumping Jessica II
Dust Devil's Trieven Tako [OFA LR-36721G24F]
NAFC FC AFC Trumarc's Zip Code [OFA LR-10091]
Trieven High Tide [OFA LR-20534]
Lone Willow's Poison Ivy *** [OFA Good]
FC AFC Blackwater Rudy [OFA LR-75788E24M]
FC AFC Blackwater Bart II [OFA LR-45510G27M]
NAFC FC The Little Duke Of Fargo [OFA LR-32504F61M]
FC AFC Rocky Mountain Star II [OFA LR-17689]
Little Misty Of Tulsa *** [OFA LR-33523G49F]
'80CNFC FC AFC Hiwood Piper Pacer's Pic [OFA LR-14200 ]
FC Ebony Comet's Misty
FC AFC Roughwater's Snap Crackle Pop [OFA Good]
Hiwood Solo Trip [OFA Good]
FC AFC Hiwood Clincher
Royal Duchess Of Riverdell [OFA Normal]
Crow Rivers Cougar's Bp Magic [OFA Fair]
FC AFC MHR Crow Rivers Malarky's Cougar [OFA Excellent]
BP Blow Out [OFA Good]

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