
Golden Retriever

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BBGs Charlotte The Brightest Star of All  (3/14/2020-)

Five generation pedigree:

BBGs Charlotte The Brightest Star of All
U-CH Bbg's Nikola Tesla Child Of Light CGC, TKN [OFA GR-122347G24M-VPI]
Hfr's Yippee Ti Yi Yo Lil Doggie [OFA GR-104957G25M-VPI]
Can CH Woodcreek'Shundredacrefriend WCX [OFA GR-89302G27M-PI]
BIS AmCan CH. Allsgold Fyreglo First In Line JH [OFA GR-60674E24M-T]
Am Can CH Glendavis Goes To The Rodeo Can OS [OFA GR23528F24M-T]
Can CH Homestead's Quiereme Mucho OD [OFA GR-50573G24F-T]
Lady Constance Of Mae [OFA GR-65392F25F-T]
Chelsey Bear Gold Rush
Jenni's Golden Teddy Bear CGC [OFA GR-57304E30F]
Hfr's Adelle In Autumn Grasses [OFA GR-97473G24F-VPI]
Eolahills Reggies-A-Star [OFA GR-85466G24M-PI]
Mr Sunshine's Foolin Around
Chantelle Eis Lace [OFA GR-69850F33F-T]
Lady Bailey Of Oak Grove [OFA GR-90798G27F-NOPI]
Sir Maxwell Of Oak Grove [OFA GR-58030G24M-T]
Lady Madaline Marie [OFA GR-74035G27F-NOPI]
Lady Kali Of Big Bend Golden'S CGC, TKN [OFA GR-110737G24F-VPI]
Cooper Berg
Red Hunter Of Washington
Showstop'n Hunt For The Gold
Schmidt's Mischievous Meisha
Lady Cassnadra
Sir Chauncy of Gig Harbor
Harbor's Cherished Chellsea
White Fang Of Hearts
Slater Ian Murphy
Gorin's Cedar
Bailey Mabry
Fluke Of Sky
Ace Of Hearts XVII
Lupaki Maria Sky
UCH, NatCH, IntlCH Opk's Bbgs Lil Paisley Ray Of Sunshine BCAT CCA CGC TKN, URACEN, USPOT-ON [OFA GR-128016G24F-VPI]
CH Brianne's Total Eclispe Of The Sun THD, CGC, TDA [OFA GR-119117G25M-VPI]
GCH Harborview Under Construction OS [OFA GR-105558G24M-VPI]
Ch. Cloverdale Katmandu [OFA GR-100027F25M-VPI]
Am CH. Cloverdale Tommy Bahama [OFA GR-88655F24M-PI]
Cloverdale Camryn [OFA GR-94056G27F-PI]
Hearthside's Chip Off The Rock OD [OFA GR-99685G47F-VPI]
CH Harborview Just U Wait OS BISS BOSS [OFA GR-73406E26M-PI]
Am/Can Ch. Hearthside French Connection [OFA GR-74189G27F-PI]
CH Brianne's If The Shoe Fits [OFA GR-109177G24F-VPI]
Am CH Summits Goldentripinthelineofduty OS [OFA GR-95929F32M-VPI]
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF [OFA GR-69996F24M-T]
BIS BISS Am/Ar/Br/Mx CH Golden Trip's One Kiss More OD SDHF [OFA GR-88212G30F-PI ]
CH Brianne's Glorious Dawn [OFA GR-101679G29F-VPI]
BISS Am. CH Hytree's Ryd-N- Out The Storm SDHF OS [OFA GR-81043G25M-PI]
CH. Cabin Creek's Day Lily JH WC [OFA GR-86984G26F-PI]
Colebrook Opk's Delta Ray CGCA CGCU TKA [OFA GR-118838G24F-PI]
Gold-Rush Just Call Me Mr. Perfect [OFA GR-107271F24M-VPI]
AmGCH CH CanCH Gold-Rush Ragtime Cowboy [OFA GR-96552E25M-VPI]
BISS AM CH Sunbeam's Private Party OS [OFA GR-78621G40M-PI]
Can.Ch. Goldspring She Ain't No Rodeo Girl [OFA GR-82485F42F-PI]
Gold-Rush Reminiscent [OFA GR-98524E24F-VPI]
AmCH Gold-Rush Shel-Be My Friend [OFA GR-75393G24M-PI]
Gold-Rush Night Magic [OFA GR-88218G27F-PI]
Colebrook Malibu Memories Make Me Smile [OFA GR-107648G24F-VPI]
Passion's Hard 2b Humble At Colebrook [OFA GR-101535G24M-VPI]
CH Westin Having A Party UD SH OA OAJ WCX VCX BOSS OS [OFA GR-87125G25M-PI]
Passion's Spellbound Blitz MX MXB MXJ MJB CCA [OFA GR-81933G25F-PI ]
Gold-Rush Absolutely Amaz'N [OFA GR-100747G30F-VPI]
Ch. Gold-Rush Spinnaker Wildcard [OFA GR-72760G24M-PI]
Gold-Rush Roses By The Dozen

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