
Golden Retriever

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Byron's Happy Goldenlocks  (1/29/1970-)

Five generation pedigree:

Byron's Happy Goldenlocks
Lord Byron Of Interlaaken
Am./Can. CH. East Gate's Golden Nugget ** OS
Am. CH. Golden Duke of Trey-C * OS
Lakewood's Red Gold
Winyon's Jeremiah
Roundwood Golden Mist
The Duchess Of Ogden Farms
Oakcreek's Silver Skeet
Oakcreek's Golden Merle
Sun Dance's Flare OD
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF
Am. CH. Rocky Of Holland Farm
Indian Knoll's Misty
Sun Dance's Carla CD
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF
Sidram's Kapering Korky CD OD
Am. CH. Penelope Of Blue Hills OD
Forever Sandy
Sandyman Of Bright Ridge
Golden Tuck of Woodland
Peppermint Wifall
Forever Amber Rah
Gilnockie Nugget
Bonnie Jean of Crief
Lanaja Countess
Am. CH. Alresford Bouverie CD
Eng. CH. Alresford Advertiser
Alresford Emblem
Alresford Superb
Eng. CH. Avonvale Brandy
Eng. CH. Alresford Atom
Missy Happy Golden
Golden Duke XX
Golden Belle IX
Mountain Ridge's Golden Jud CDX
Am. CH. Star Spray Enid's Sandia
Am./Can. CH. Golden Pine's Easy Ace WC OS SDHF
Am. CH. Golden Girl Enid * OD
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Mee Chea UD
Indian Knoll's Buckaroo
Indian Knoll's Mis-Chief
Mt. Ridge Golden Girl
Am./Can./Bda./Mex./Col. CH. Beckwith's Copper Coin OS SDHF
Beckwith's Golden Blaze CD
Veno's Vixen CD
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Mee Chea UD
Indian Knoll's Buckaroo
Indian Knoll's Mis-Chief

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