
Golden Retriever

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Poole's Hunter  (11/1/2014-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Poole's Hunter
Bailey Eugene Hooks
Disney's Golden Rookie
Sir Cody Honeybearsundog
Sir Samuel Honeybear
Nicholas Honeybear
Shenk's Sandy Lady
Goldstar's Autumn Sundog
Bob's Kakota Larsen
Ashley's Samatha Larsen
Amber's Gold II
Golden Bear of Newbegun
Crooked Oaks Sir Rusty
Bayo Maxine Meiggs
Nugget's Golden Flash
His Majesty Matthew
Princess Gabrella
William's Sweet Princess De De
The Murphy Golden Barons
Kody Boy Ard
Fritz Von Baron
Becki's Scuffy Darlin'
Hug's Xena Warrior Princess
Hart U Gold James Golden Eye Bond
Hug's Queen Honey Bee
Dixie Land Delight XXII
Sir Duke A Roo
Sam The Golden Boy
Taffy's Golden Girl VII
Missy Bobbet Little Peanut
Finally Bobbet
Allie's Missy Cabral
Indianneck's Dutches Of Ronda
Sammy Petey Boy Adams
Presnell's Prized Duke
Melodymaker Blueridge Deacon
Mr Jake The Star Melodymaker
Melodymaker's Classic Daia
Marcy's Light Golden Grace
Melodymaker Happy Bear
Golden Katie Of Antioch [14.5 years]
Sandee Sasha
Denum Of Maran-Atha
Cordoroy of Maran-Atha
Satin Of Maran-Atha
Sunshine N.C. State Girl
Tobie Golden Berry Junior
Lady Of Alleghany Goldgirl
Adams Go Get 'Em Emma
White Duke Of Earl
Sebastian Schwarzehegger
Lady Ginger Ll
Ethans Joey
Emilys Maddie
Lady Mia Lll
Hooch Hall II
Jingle Bell VII
Sparky Sparks
Sandy ''Sands''

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