
Golden Retriever

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Goldrush's Holdup Artist  (6/18/1977-)

Five generation pedigree:

Goldrush's Holdup Artist
Am. CH Beaumaris Tangleloft Heath CDX [OFA GR-4103-T]
Am. CH. Beaumaris Somerset OS [OFA GR-3185]
Am./Can. CH. Ciadar Tintinabulation UD TD WC VCX OS Can UD OS [OFA GR-2616]
Am. CH. Gayhaven-Kyrie Talisman CD TD [OFA GR-20]
Gayhaven Timidiquis [OFA GRC-029]
Am. CH. Gayhaven Harmony CDX
Gayhaven Slightly Cinnamon UDT WC Can. UD OD [OFA GR-227]
Am. CH. Keeper Of Willow Island CD ** OS [OFA GR-24]
Am/Can. CH. Gayhaven Cricket Of Marjim CD WC [OFA GR-172]
Am. CH. Deerflite Sunset CDX OD [OFA GR-578]
Raynesgold Rainaway
Eng./Irish CH. Cabus Boltby Combine
Raynesgold Glennessa Etoile
Deerflite Highlight
Eng. CH. Deerflite Headline
Deerflite Flirt
Deerflite Selina OD [OFA GR-3188]
Eng. SH. CH. Concord Of Yeo
UK Ch Stolford Happy Lad
Stolford Playboy
Prystina Of Wymondham
Eng. CH. Deerflite Endeavour Of Yeo
Irish CH. Mandingo Beau Geste Of Yeo
Eng. SH. CH. Deerflite Rainfall
Deerflite Pheasant
Raynesgold Rainaway
Eng./Irish CH. Cabus Boltby Combine
Raynesgold Glennessa Etoile
Deerflite Highlight
Eng. CH. Deerflite Headline
Deerflite Flirt
Am. CH. Goldrush's Birch of Bearwood CD WC OD [OFA GR-1868 Good]
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Esquire's Playboy CDX
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Esquire CD OS SDHF [OFA GR-406]
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Yankee Dollar
Am. CH. Tumbleweed Of Sprucewood SDHF
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Athena CD OD
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Gulie
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF
Am. CH. Sprucewood's Glamour Girl UD OD
Am. CH. Harlanheim's Rust Haven
Am CH Sun Dance's Vegas Dealer CDX WC SDHF
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Bronze CD OS
Am. CH. Sprucewood's Glamour Girl UD OD
Sun Dance's Dawn of Harlanheim
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Sir Ivan CDX
Sun Dance's Vintage Punch OD
Bearwood's Honey Bear CD
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Esquire CD OS SDHF [OFA GR-406]
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Yankee Dollar
Am. CH. Tumbleweed Of Sprucewood SDHF
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Athena CD OD
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Gulie
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF
Am. CH. Sprucewood's Glamour Girl UD OD
Am CH. Duckdown Tuffy of Buckskin CD
Am. CH. Maple Leaf's Trace-O-Copper OS
Am./Can./Bda./Mex./Col. CH. Beckwith's Copper Coin OS SDHF
Am. CH. Maple Leaf's Princess Pat OD
Sun Dance's Gold Ingot CD OD
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF
Am. CH. Sprucewood's Glamour Girl UD OD

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