K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Dartmoor Shire  (8/28/2004-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Dartmoor Shire
Oskar Des Deux Ormes
Sandylands Rise And Shine
GB Sh.Ch. Ransom of Sandylands
GB Sh.Ch. Sandylands My Rainbeau
GB Ch Sandylands Mark
Gb Sh CH Sandylands Longley Come Rain
Bonfield Lady
GB Sh Ch Newinn Kestrel
Newinn Abbey
Sandylands Bramble
GB Ch Squire of Ballyduff
GB.Ch. Ballyduff Marketeer
Sparkle of Tuddenham
Gb Sh CH Sandylands Longley Come Rain
Sandylands Charlston
Longley In Tune
Divinity Du Val D'Arry
UK Sh Ch, Am CH Receiver Of Cranspire [15 years]
NL Ch Cranspire Skytrain
Cambremer Petrocelli
Poolstead Purpose of Cranspire
Pollys Pride of Genisval
GB Sh Ch Newinn Kestrel
Heatherbourne Genista
Int. Ch Victory of Tintagel Winds
Fr.Am.Int.Ch.World Ch. Sandylands Rip Van Winkle [12.5 years]
GB Sh.Ch. Sandylands My Rainbeau
GB Sh.Ch. Sandylands Busy Liz
Int. Ch. Rhapsody of Tintagel Winds
CHIB Kupros Lucifer [14 years]
CH Ballyduff Sunflower
GCE Haras de Malal Cahuelo [13.5 years]
GCIL Corhampton s Nogales Barleycorn
Am/CanCH Corhampton's Barley O'Brady CGN WC JH
CanCH Kerrymark Ballad At Corhampton
AmCH Rocky Acres Sultan Of Ayr
Am CH Lobuff's Sundown At Kerrymark
CanCH Ebonylane's Uptown Girl
Am/Can CH Ebonylane's Aslan
Ebonylane's Fortune Teller
CanCH Corhampton's Deja Vu
AmCH Deja Vu's Nautical Bouy
Ch Finchingfield Freedom II
Belquest's Uncharted Seas
Corhamptons Im Belle Star
CanCH Beechcroft Amaranth Fargo
CanCH Corhampton's Ima Blackbird Too
GCEL Bigsbrun's Ronda [12.5 years]
Udi Queijeiro
Am.Mex.Ch. Dickendall Preston
Am CH Marshland Blitz
Tweedcroft's Reflexion
Fanta (Queijeiro)
Mex Ch Nashaytie Tiger Moth
Sweety Sta Monica
Bigsbrun s Elizabeth Arden
Lobuff's Manhatten
Am CH Lobuff's Bare Necessities CD JH
Am CH Lobuff's Sundown At Kerrymark
Lobuff's Moon Shadow
Am CH Lobuff's Bare Necessities CD JH
Lobuff's Carry The Banner

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