Labrador Retriever
Hampshire's Power To Love (12/29/1994-)
Five generation pedigree:
Hampshire's Power To Love
BR Ch Lillimar's Power Of Love
Alvgardens Micmac
Swe.Fin.Ch. Älvgårdens Brizard
Cindys John-Richard
NO CH NORD UCH INT CH NORD V-78 Licithas Blizzard
Baronor Friday Girl
SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH Swedish Dual CH Gun-Smokes Eliza
SUCH Alexander (S15559/77)
Älvgårdens Heiress / Alvgardens Heiress
Swed. Dual CH Fin. CH Alvgardens X-Princess / ?lvg?rdens X-Princess
SE UCH FI UCH Poolstead Pick of The Pops
GB Ch Fabracken Comedy Star
GB.Sh.Ch. Poolstead Pictorial
Sorbus Nightingale
SE UCH FI UCH SE JCH Oframarks Disco/Öframarks Disco
Lillimar's Black Russian For Me
SE UCH Sauranor (S10844/81)
SE UCh, FI UCh Älvgårdens Mike / Alvgardens Mike
Alvgardens Dandy/Älvgårdens Dandy
SE UCH FI UCH Alvgardens Black Mammy/Älvgårdens Black Mammy
Älvgårdens Rorty
SE UCH FI UCH NO JCH INT UCH SE JCH Älvgårdens Zoom / Alvgardens Zoom
Älvgårdens Bat / Alvgardens Bat
SE UCH FI UCH Älvgårdens Kahlua / Alvgardens Kahlua
Cindys John-Richard
NO CH NORD UCH INT CH NORD V-78 Licithas Blizzard
Baronor Friday Girl
SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH Swedish Dual CH Gun-Smokes Eliza
SUCH Alexander (S15559/77)
Älvgårdens Heiress / Alvgardens Heiress
AmCH Hampshire's Witchcraft
Gb Sh Am Can CH Lindall Mastercraft JH
Gb CH Charway Ballywill Will
C.C.W. Ballyduff Spruce
GB.Ch. Timspring Sirius
C.C.W. Spark of Ballyduff
Charway Simona
GB Ch Sandylands Mark
GB.Ch. Charway Little Sian
Morningtown Stormette JW
GB Ch Follytower Merrybrook Black Stormer
GB CH Sandylands Tandy
Follytower Old Black Magic
Morningtown Tobla (<1976)
Nutgrove Doublet
Brentville Ebony
Midnight Magic Gould
Hampshire's Sea Captain
Hampshire's Casey
SE UCh Am/Can CH Puhs Superman
SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH Puhs Black Devil
NO Ch. Keithray Marianne
Cochranes Culross Abbey
Roseacre Scout Of Follytower
Hampshire's Cinnamon Teal
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