Labrador Retriever
Beagan von Fichtenberg (1/28/2013-)
Five generation pedigree:
Beagan von Fichtenberg
Nat./Int.CH Keepsake Firebird Over Blueberry Hills
Keepsake Great Balls Of Fire
Keepsake's Brickhouse
Keepsake's Gulliver Travels
Scrimshaw Placido Flamingo
Kelleygreens Lady In Red
Keepsake's Tiger Lily
Keepsake's Drift'n Dickens
Helluva Keepsake
Keepsake Boing
Keepsake's Over Easy
Am Ch Sounder's Easy Does It
Keepsake's Flair For Red
Keepsake's Pecan Praline
Scrimshaw Placido Flamingo
Kelleygreens Lady In Red
Big Sky's Reddy Or Not At Keepsake JH
Kelleygreens Crimson Tide II
Kelleygreens Foxy
Kelleygreens Sharp Shooter
Kelleygreens Faith
Kelleygreens Red Delicious
Balrion Red Alert
Henning Mill Kelleygreen Henna
Keepsake Red Georgia Clay
Kelleygreens Kardinal
Balrion Red Alert
Henning Mill Kelleygreen Henna
Keepsake's I Love Lucy
Scrimshaw Placido Flamingo
Kelleygreens Lady In Red
Nat./Int./Ehren CH Queen Mary von der Holzmühle
Huntfield's Red Baron
TTF Huntfield's Redcoat Sam
Paddington October Red Storm
FTW Paddington's Amber Maxwell
Winbrook's Bronze Maggan
Scapaflow Towering Charlette
HRCH Stewart's Scapaflow Toby JH
Willowyck Sarah Brittany
Kellygreens Morgan of Huntfield
Kelleygreens Sharp Shooter
Ch Kelleygreens On Target
Kelleygreens Faith
Keepsake Kelleygreen Ruby
Kelleygreens Kardinal
Keepsake's I Love Lucy
Dara von der Holzmühle
Little River Red Flash
Little River Redheaded Stranger
Am CH Keepsake Cajun
Little River Strawberry Fields
Oakdale Little River Wildfire
Keepsake Windfall Solar Flare
Windfall's Redbuds Of Oakdale
Penara Red Hot Chili
Penara's Rocket Science
Am CH Lobuff's Bare Necessities CD JH
Ridge View Checkered Flag CGC
Kelleygreens Cinnamon Teal
Kelleygreens Kardinal
Balrion Miss Muffet
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