
Golden Retriever

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Bucktoria Bundy  (8/13/2004-)

Five generation pedigree:

Bucktoria Bundy
Sunshine Ridge Roger
Braxton Hix Youngblood
Windy Knolls Machoman Murphy
O'Flynn's Gold-Rush A Chance
Am. CH Calicos Challenge Of VanReel
Tangerine's Grand Lizzie
Caramel Amanda
Winsum's Sir Gerv Ryael
Tawny Mae (SF477482)
Goldie Ginger Uriah
Uriah II
Marshal Tucker Young
Zach's LIl' Riley
Ginger Holly Beauregard
Miss Jessica's Beauregard
Sandra Holly Gold Thomas
Abby-Gail Youngblood
Golden Sunlight IX
Cinnamon Stick XVII
Copper Prince VI
Stormy Duke
Apollo's Precious Beau
Red Hot Foot
Maxi's Big Foot
Racing Reys
Vio-Net Sophie
Texas Tumbleweed
Golden Oaks Corky
Sir Jacob Of Rofo
Sir Mash Clark
Lady Ashley Of Longford
Princess Carey Of Tulpehoken
Sir Addison
Lady Danjon Light
Spring Hollor's Stormy
Esh's Tasha
Merrimac Mac
Cinnabar IX
Shannon Delight
Chelseas Angel Dust
Fisher's Goldy
Chanceford Golden Dream
Swanee Of Golden Pond
Kathy Lee Esh

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