Labrador Retriever
Deja Vu von der Steinbuschkate
Five generation pedigree:
Deja Vu von der Steinbuschkate
Silronray's Flying High Filou
[FCI A2/B1]
Silronray's Black Bonnet
[FCI A2/A2]
Ramah Guardsman
UK Ch Sandylands My Guy
[BVA 7/7]
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner
[BVA 1/0]
Sandylands Bramble
[ 3/4]
Ramah Starna
[BVA 4:3]
Sandylands Special Vintage
[BVA 5/6]
Trendlewood Aurora With Ramah
[BVA 14:16]
Shadowsquad Topanoora At Silronrays
[BVA 4:5]
Glosmere Chocolate Maker
[BVA 7:3]
ShCh Bradking Music Maker of Kingstream
[BVA 13/5]
Glosmere Bred With Love
Shadowsquad Queen Of Spades
[BVA 6:6]
Brightwalton Born A Star
[BVA 0:0]
Shadowsquad Joy
[BVA 10:19]
Silronray's All About Mandy
[FCI B1/B1]
Sandylands Around Town
Eng Sh Ch Tapeatom Gadding Around at Sandylands
[ 3:3]
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About
[BVA 3/7]
Tapeatom Lucy Locket
[BVA 3/4]
Sandylands Star Shine
[BVA 5:4]
Jayncourt Star-Striker
[BVA 11/8]
Sandylands Gratitude
[BVA 4:3]
Lively Amy
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About
[BVA 3/7]
UK Ch Sandylands My Guy
[BVA 7/7]
GB Sh Ch Sandylands Bliss
[BVA 4/4]
Willowsvere Tassel
Lewisan Law Maker
[BVA 4:5]
Willowsvere Hallmark
[BVA 7:7]
Happy Greta vom Boyer Moor
DkCh SeCh(U) DKV10 DKKV10 Follies Traveller
Loch Mor Spencer
[ 10]
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About
[BVA 3/7]
UK Ch Sandylands My Guy
[BVA 7/7]
GB Sh Ch Sandylands Bliss
[BVA 4/4]
GBShCh ITCh V-02 Amber (LO98/139149)
Lapema's Larry Of Sandylands
[ 7/6]
Ch. Brynseion Gabriella
FI MVA Rosanan Ice Follies
[ A/B]
INT CH, FI/EE/RUS CH Follies Storm Petrel NORDW-01, FINW-01, FINW-02
FI CH Brookhill's Daddy's Hope
Follies Olympia
[ A/A ]
Rosanan Be My Rose
[ A/A]
AM CAN FIN EST INT CH Chancellor Merry
[OFA LR-96930G24M-T]
CH Rosanan Snow White Rose
[ A/A]
Fair Ronja vom Boyer Moor
LCD-Jgd-CH. Mambrino's Indiana Jones
[FCI B1]
Licithas Kazan
[FCI A2]
Paximus Av Vihahund
Foxrush Licithas Angel
Mambrinos F.B.I.
[ A2]
Winnie's Copied to Match
Gretel's Lifestyle
[ A]
D.- VDH Ch. Huntly Second To None
[ A2]
DKCH SECH INTCH Melicmark Black Moon Rising
[ A1]
DKCH Melicmark French Knickers
[ B]
Huntly Magic Mayflower
[ A2]
Pongo (DK 20482/90)
[ B]
Miska Bounty of Baskerville
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