
Golden Retriever

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Litt (SD439056)  (7/13/1979-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Litt (SD439056)
Teal's O B Gosh
Am./Can. CH. Ocoee Duke of Millard [10 years]
Am/Can CH. Kyrie Daemon CDX WC OS Can. CD [11.5 years]
Des Lacs Delaware
Am. CH. Gilder of Elsiville OS [7.5 years]
Am./Can. CH. Des Lacs Lassie CD WC OD SDHF [ years]
Am. CH. Gayhaven Harmony CDX [10 years]
Am/Can CH. Gilder's Wingra Beau OS
Wide Water Flirt [8 years]
Smock's Gayhaven Bonnie CDX
Am./Can. CH. Gayhaven Lldiel Am./Can. CDX, OS Am. WC [10.5 years]
Am/Can CH. Gilder's Wingra Beau OS
Am. CH. Gayhaven Harmony CDX [10 years]
Tonkahof Viscount CD **
Tippy Tim Of Doralan
Cobicosh (SB732166)
Sunshine Benjamin
Milaur's Achilles
Am. CH. Sidram Simon OS
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Vivacious Sock OD
Mandi Lynn Of Sunrise
Gabriel De Oro Cazador
Christy Lynn
Jo-Mars Sunshine Bessie
Jo-Mars Mister Stubbledown
Duke Of Harjoy
Kyrie Fortune Sandown
Goldbriar Argus Allegro
Marjim's Discovery Of Yeo
Terraqua Trader's Gilda CD WC [ years]
Hidden Hills Princess Mandy

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