Labrador Retriever
Victory Lady
Five generation pedigree:
Victory Lady
Castalia Pal
FC Banchory Varnish/Banchory Varnish of Wingan
DualCh Banchory Painter (prev. L'ile Buster Bill)
EngCH Peter the Painter Ft.W.
GB.Ft.Ch. Ledsham Peter
Dinah (1920? per http://www.pedigreedatabase.com)
Glenhead Bess
GB.Ft.Ch. Ledsham Peter
L'ile Bouncing Girl Ft.W.
Hawksworth Glimmer
Banchory Tealer
Banchory Corbie (prev Corbie the Criminal) Ft.W.
Beningbrough Tansey Ft.W.
Bramshaw Gloss (Interbred)
Eng.Dual Ch Banchory Sunspeck
Twinkle of Faskally
Nora (1938)
NFC Banchory Night Light of Wingan
Blackworth Midnight
Eng.Ch. Wilworth Rip
Brookstone Jet
Dinah of Wongalee
GB.Ch. Beningbrough Tangle Ft.W.
Wendy of Wongalee
Jade Of Sandylands
Ch Jerry of Sandylands
Eng.Ch. Wilworth Rip
Wilworth Jet
Grosmont Jade
Hermes of Ackender
Grosmont Jewel
Shangri La Cinder
Hans of Gilchrist
Tim of Worsted Skeynes
Fresco Smut
Tickford Blackie
Ebony Lady (Prince John x Princess Juno)
Kitty of Barrington
Banchory Roger Ft.W.
Gb.Ch. F.T.W. Balbeardie (KCSB 209 AA)
Gilchrist Nigger
Black Hawk Nigg
Fresfaro Dick
Judy Gold
Brown's Nigger Jill
FT Ch Nigger Of Barrington
Jill Spratt
Black Lady O'Gilchrist
Tim of Worsted Skeynes
Fresco Smut
Tickford Blackie
Ebony Lady (Prince John x Princess Juno)
Kitty of Barrington
Banchory Roger Ft.W.
Gb.Ch. F.T.W. Balbeardie (KCSB 209 AA)
Lady Of Harwood
Cold Spring Jack
Itasca Blaze (~1926)
Patricia Of Harwood
Humble of Harwood
Molly of Harwood
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