
Golden Retriever

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Rivers Edge Of The Shenandoah  (10/12/2020-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Rivers Edge Of The Shenandoah
Int. CH. Symphony Of The Shenandoah
Simon Ghost Whisper Mcray Goldens
Bow Man's White Ghost
Poetrys Golden Opportunity
Northern Light's Buster
Apple Valleys Lady In Red
Poetrys Im A Working Girl
UCI Int CH, Int. + Nat. JA Kalocsahazi Don Juan
Sandar Miss T
Jonna's White Ghost
Goldy Golden Gear
Elysian's Strummer Quacknbush UD TD JH RE WCX VC [12 years]
Quincyridge Zoe [11 years]
Goobie Gania Gase
Goober Guster Goldbar
Bonito Beautiful Bonnie
Int. CH Shenova Of Golden Grove-Ret
My Mozart Is My New Hobby
Oh My Bama Of Cottage Grove
Sir Bubba Of Cottage Grove [9.5 years]
Holly Snow of Cottage Grove
Miss Macey Of Retriever's Paradise
Rus. CH, Jr. Rus. CH Rus Pekos Alex
K & H Country Loven Southwind China
Centerfold Of The Morning Valley
Joystep's So Smart
Inassicas Smart and Secret [13.5 years]
Guess Gretta [8.5 years]
Lux Jr Ch Celtic Rose of the Morning Valley
NU CH, SU(u)CH Inassicas Snow Storm
Muireann of the Morning Valley
Int. CH. River Of The Shenandoah
Int. CH. Timber Of The Shenandoah
Dream Weaver Of The Morning Valley [10.5 years]
Int.Sh.Ch,Dt.Vdh.Ch, Swe.Ch, Lux & Dt.VDH JCH, Ashbury Deep Impact Liepzig VDH Sieger,Brandenburg Jugendsieger 2009
Int. Sh. Ch , Int. Ch , Lux/Dk/Dt-VDH/Swiss/Fr. Ch Ashbury Angel Heart [12.5 years]
Ashbury Together For Ever
Head over Heels of the Morning Valley
DTS.CH & VDH CH. Dream Max An Apple A Day
Ger Jr Ch, Moondust Highland's Heritage
Miss Liberty Goldenpaws [5 years]
Great Lakes' Grand Oakley
Prince Harry Of Golden Sands
Lady Leah Of Golden Sands
Kudleigh Fifi Goldenpaws [9.5 years]
Sir Casper Of The Morning Valley [13.5 years]
Honibun Goldenpaws [11.5 years]
Firefly In The Shenandoah
Abilene Starr's Sir Maxwell
Tendercare Laurell's Trigger
Am. CH. Laurell's Frozen Image [13 years]
Laurell's Baileys Just Cause
Lady Abilene Starr
Super Bear Shetler
Lady Gena Gem
Simple Perfections Miah Gold
Stonewall Jackson Of Abigold Joy
Schuman's Autumn
Abigold Joy Of Fir Lane
Tula Meadows Simple Perfection
Creekstone's Eveready Cooper
Isabella Sol Of Meadow's Edge

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