
Golden Retriever

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Goldenridge Copper  (10/24/2013-)

Five generation pedigree:

Goldenridge Copper
Sir Theodore George Irish
Hunter Merritt
Sir King Of Cold Brook [OFA GR-69379G35M]
Tazmainian Tanner
Chester Of Smithfield Road
Three Times A Lady Sadie
Cold Brook Brenna
Keegan Of Shepherd's Knoll
Cavanaugh Of Shepherds Knoll
Jesse Haley Heritage
Harley Davidson Ellsworth [OFA GR-79948G80M-PI]
Simbah Gilbert
Dutchess Natalie McKenna
Haley Heritage Ellsworth
Dalton Bethard
Missy Girl Of Eagle River [OFA GR-47176G29F]
Miss Kaelas Ginger Cookie
Rusty Max IV [OFA GR-82903G32M-PI]
Webster Brook White [OFA GR-73293G44M-PI]
Studlies Hot Poindexter
Valhalla's Golden Girl Kiah [OFA GR-45207F25F]
Holly Of Christmas Presence [OFA GR-73387G46F-PI]
Hunter Lynn
Breezy Hill Emy [OFA GR-55236G24F]
Lily Lou Of Mayflower HGTS
Sir King Of Cold Brook [OFA GR-69379G35M]
Tazmainian Tanner
Cold Brook Brenna
Miss Dasley Of Mayflower HTGS
Hallee's Buster Jewell
Sweet Chantilly Lace II
Emily Rose Irish
Daigan's Mater National
River Valley Alpha
Webster Brook White [OFA GR-73293G44M-PI]
Studlies Hot Poindexter
Valhalla's Golden Girl Kiah [OFA GR-45207F25F]
Jess's Indy Five-Hundred
Jess's Bundle Of Hope
Callaway River Valley Omega
White Dove Chevy Of Callaway
Sunstorm Golden Pine P T Barnum [OFA GR-70435G26M-T]
White Dove Candelite Dinner
Cinnamon Brandy XXX
Mellow-Yellow Sunny Fox [OFA GR-56539G24M]
Felin's Buttons
Lady Margaret B Savage
Lewis' Golden Rusty
Lady Bella V
Sir King Of Cold Brook [OFA GR-69379G35M]
Tazmainian Tanner
Cold Brook Brenna
Christmas Nutmeg IV
Benjamin The III
Princetta Dela La Martin

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