K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Moses  (6/16/2017-)

Five generation pedigree:

Trenow Rio Grande JW [ 3/2]
GB Sh Ch Sandylands Pressed for Time [BVA 3/3]
GB Sh Ch Rockabee Blue Peter of Sandylands [ 6:7]
Rocheby Navy Blue [BVA 4/4]
Rocheby Sailing By [BVA 5:5]
GB Sh Ch Cambremer Royal Velvet at Rocheby [BVA 6/5]
Sandylands Gypsy of Rockabee [ 7:6]
UK Ch Sandylands My Guy [BVA 7/7]
Sandylands Special Song [BVA 6/6]
Rocheby Purple Shades At Sandylands [BVA 6:6]
Eng Sh Ch Tapeatom Gadding Around at Sandylands [ 3:3]
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About [BVA 3/7]
Tapeatom Lucy Locket [BVA 3/4]
GB Sh Ch Rocheby Powder Blue [ 4:6]
Rocheby Navy Blue [BVA 4/4]
Sh Ch Rocheby Polkadot [BVA 5:7]
Trenow Lucetta [BVA 3:2]
Dolwen Musicmaker At Trenow [BVA 7:5]
Trenow Song [BVA 3:6]
UK Ch. Trenow Music Man JW [ 4/4]
Trenow M'Lady
Bugeilydd Anna Marie Of Dolwen [BVA 1:1]
Dolwen Edward Seymour [BVA 3/22]
Wilsbury Over The Moon [BVA 13/3]
Dolwen Ann Jane At Trenow [BVA 7/4]
Trenow Armstrong of Dolwen [BVA 4:3]
C.C.W. Cannonridge Jackdaw [BVA 1:1]
Trenow Wine'N Roses [BVA 3:9]
Dolwen Jenny Lind [BVA 7:11]
Sh Ch Dolwen Francis Henry JW [BVA 8:8]
Follytower Siskin Of Dolwen [BVA 4:8]
Swanslake Melissa
WW'11-15, EW.13, INT CH, IT CH Loch Mor Romeo [FCI A/A]
ITCH, CIB, CIE, FCH, HRCH, SwissCH, 2xRCICH Charm Bluveil Mr. Darcy WC,FFTCH [FCI B]
AmCH Langshott Gale Force From Kimvalley [OFA LR-95376G27M-T]
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About [BVA 3/7]
Kimvalley Follow On To Langshott [BVA 13:6]
AmCH Charm's Dancing To The Music [OFA LR-156553G25F-PI]
Bluveil Balanchine [OFA LR-123840G25M-PI]
AmCH Hitmans Charm N Ginger Bear [OFA LR-103687G33F-T]
WW-06, ENG SH CH, IT CH Loch Mor Sugar
INT CH, FI/EE/RUS CH Follies Storm Petrel NORDW-01, FINW-01, FINW-02 [FCI B/B]
FI CH Brookhill's Daddy's Hope [FCI B/A]
Follies Olympia [ A/A ]
IT CH Heatherbourne Pure Satin at Loch Mor [BVA 6:7]
Ch Perfick Gent Of Priorise [BVA 8:22]
Heatherbourne Royal Velvet [BVA 7:6]
Swanslake Mafalda
Loch Mor Spencer [ 10]
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About [BVA 3/7]
UK Ch Sandylands My Guy [BVA 7/7]
GB Sh Ch Sandylands Bliss [BVA 4/4]
GBShCh ITCh V-02 Amber (LO98/139149)
Lapema's Larry Of Sandylands [ 7/6]
Ch. Brynseion Gabriella
IT Ch Swanslake White Swomi [ A]
INT CH, FI/EE/RUS CH Follies Storm Petrel NORDW-01, FINW-01, FINW-02 [FCI B/B]
FI CH Brookhill's Daddy's Hope [FCI B/A]
Follies Olympia [ A/A ]
IT Ch Lenches Serenade [FCI C]
Rocheby Old Smokey [BVA 6:7]
Lenches Miss Milly [BVA 5:7]

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