K9data.comLabrador Retriever

4XGMPR King Of Duck Acquisition

Five generation pedigree:

4XGMPR King Of Duck Acquisition
4XGMPR HRCH Hrks Cams Prince Charming Duke
HRCH Tiger Of Cattail Corky
GMPR Cashzingers Cattail Corky
MHR Wyvernaxe Audley MH
Bellever Actor Ft.W.
Madford Silk of Wyvernaxe
Chilbrook Saxton Teal
Am. CH Majestic Saxton
Am. Can CH Chilbrook Solitaire CD TDI CGC
CPR Hpk's Against the Wind
Autumn Oak's Over N Under
'89CNFC '90CNAFC FC AFC The Marathon Man
Autumn Oak's Southern Cross
Lady Robin Hood of the South SH
Black Jack Davy
Lady Montana of Monroe
Kaden's Cynderella Story
Augies Cactus Jack SH
Tabasco Chili Red
Beckmann's Full Deck Duke CP
Butlers Kellogg Magnum CP
Dixie SouthernBell
Jon's Big Dawg Harley
Mollies Cocoa Surprise
Maize Lu Dudley
Williams Ultimate Ozzy
Chippewas Brave Balou Boy
Turk's Annie Get The Bird
Princess Zoie Of Mishawaka
Tucker Of Wildcat
Sattler's Suzy Spade
Blazing Red country Sunset
GRHRCH UH GMPR Black Powder's Blazing Red Flame WC MH MNH QAA
HRCH UH CP Treddolphin Blazing Red SH
Blacklick's Frankly My Dear
Kelleygreens Kardinal
Springhavens Sunset Bobbi
Golden Goldilocks
Brownie Miracle Boy
Treddolphin Clarion Dreamer
Black Powder's Takealine Echo
AFC Hawkeye's Viking
2xCNAFC 2xNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac
Starlab Madd Dash Kate QAA
Star Lab's Take-A-line Roxie
Esprit's Out Of The Woods
Noche' De Paz
HRCH UH Carolina's Sugar Sweet
GRHRCH Ima Rock Star
GMHRCH Cj's Shortstop
GMHR WR Bay Creek Dan MH MNH ***
GMHR WR Lisa's Alligator Alley
GRHRCH Bs's Sassy Southern Spirit
Heather's Sirius Jake MH
Van Lee's Ashley Lew
GRHRCH UH Cotton Molasses
Creekside's Moses Malone
FC AFC J.K.'s Creekside Hey Paco
Gracie Under Fire
Rip Roarin Springlake Sugar
GMHR Springlake Chewbakka MH
Champagne High

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