
Golden Retriever

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Odin Brook's True Friends

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Odin Brook's True Friends
Entertainer v 't Keijsershof
Golden Blossom's Looping
Big Boss des Fields d'est
F.T.Ch élite A DUAL CH -CH BEAU ET BON Vaillant des Fields de Mauny [11.5 years]
Dual Ch. PI.Ch. Royal Crest Gold-N Over The Rainbow [11.5 years]
FT CH RL des Fields de Mauny
Reves Des Fields D'est
CH TR Chivas Happy Maestro
CH TR Josephine (dau. of Eden Du logis de la sapiniere)
Golden Blossom's Ella
FT.CH. Flashlight Fanciful
FTW Catcombe Clever
Leeglen Storm
Golden blosssom's Xanthe
Dutch & Int. Ch. Whispering Glenrose's Pepijn German, VDH, Hungarian, Austr., Belgian Ch. [12.5 years]
Sax de Loyival
Take Five v.'t Keijsershof
German/VDH.Ch. Kiss Kiss v.'t Keijsershof EJW. DJCh, NJCh, BJS
Swiss and German Show Champion Rosselle Keanu for Romidas
Eng CH Chinnordale Kirriebillie JW, SGWC
Rosselle Rigaletto
VDH. Ch. Sequins Semine
EW'09, Lux, German/VDH JCh, German/VDH Ch, Swe Ch Artic Light du Pays de Boheme NordW, FinW, Sieger Leipzig, Bundes Sieger
WW'08, Lux, German JCh, Lux Ch, German/VDH Ch Sequins Sequidilla Sieger Leipzig '07, Jugend Sieger Leipzig
Robannas Elegant Elisa Rayleas
Rayleas Mister Copper
Eng. Ch. Lovehayne Quentin JW, S.G.W.C.
Rayleas Treacle Tart
Rayleas Fancy Fudge
Alibren Maestro [10 years]
Rayleas Barbara Ann
Hannah Brook's True Friends
At Sticker LUMIS Golden
Aron (SHSB 577821) [15 years]
Int. CH. & FT. CH. Stanroph Standing Ovation
Eng. SH. CH. Steval Mickey Finn At Ivycrest [15 years]
Stanroph Shere Fantasy KCJW [11.5 years]
Funnyline Ebony Eyes
Rossbourne Evening Glow
Golden Channel of Funnyline
Ambertrail Jenny
Can. Triple CH FTCH AFTCH OTCH Firemark's Push Comes to Shove Can. WCX Am. *** OS [13 years]
FC Wraiths HTR MN Bro Macdhuibh OS [14.5 years]
GMHR Phoebe's Prize Piponia CDX MH AX AXJ WCX CCA VCX OD [13.5 years]
Ambertrail Sparks To A Flame OD Can QFTR JH WCX [14 years]
Mioak's Real McCoy Am/Can *** OS [15 years]
Ambertrail's Fireside Diva
Bionda Brook's True Friends
Precious Sem van de Woudstreek [10 years]
Boy Quiver Creek's Owlsburgh
AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr Speaker MH OS CCA FDHF [15.5 years]
HRCH Taz Of Red Oak SH [13.5 years]
Nimble v.d. Woudstreek [15.5 years]
Way-Out's Orion
Little Spica v.d. Woudstreek
Wheaton's Arrow
F.T.CH. Kroonkennel's Urko
Wheaton's Xcess [11.5 years]
Dazzle from the Go-Getters
Ieaun of Spider Lake
Iltschi from the Go-Getters [8 years]

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