
Golden Retriever

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Arian-Oscar vom Lockhauser Feld  (12/19/2016-)

Five generation pedigree:

Arian-Oscar vom Lockhauser Feld
Deutscher Champion (Club),Deutscher Champion VDH Sando vom Kanarienhof [ B1/B1]
Dt.Vet.Champion VDH,Dt.Ch., VDH Ch., Lux. Ch. Eyvan of Graceful Delight [ A2]
Chrisper Captain Corelli Nederlands Veteranen Champ [FCI HD B1]
Eng. CH. Stanroph Squadron Leader [BVA 3:3]
Eng. SH. CH. Steval Mickey Finn At Ivycrest [BVA Hip Score 6:5]
Stanroph Shere Fantasy KCJW [ BVA Hip Score 5:5]
Fr and Int CH Remmy of Grayshot at Chrisper [ 8-5]
ENG CH. Rayleas Dempsey [BVA 3:3]
Lorinford Madonna [ 5:4]
Dt.Ch. Yentl of Graceful Delight [ A2]
Eng. CH. Xanthos Black Thorn JW, SGWC [ BVA Hip Score 4:3]
Rainscourt Son Of A Gun [ BVA Hip Score 7:5]
Xanthos Orange Blossom (1 CC, 1RCC) [ BVA Hip Score 4:8]
DT JGD CH Clubsieger Miss Marple of Graceful Delight [ B1]
Amirene Superbowl [ A2]
Dt.Ch. Shadowfax Amazing Grace [ B2]
Golden's Hill-Side Go In And Win [B1 SchSfer]
Up And Go du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre [ A/A 200?]
Stanroph Sailor's Swansong [FCI A/A ]
Eng. CH. Stanroph Sailor Boy KCJW [BVA Hip Score 7:5]
Stanroph Secret Finale [ 10:9]
LUX JCH Stanroph So It's a Miracle [ A/A 200?]
Eng Sh Ch Elswood The Highlander [ BVA Hip Score 4:3]
Eng Sh Ch Stanroph So Be It [ BVA Hip Score 5:5]
Versace Du Bois De La Rayere (Tilde)
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere [ HD A (2003)]
Trialer, Int Ch, Fr/Lux/Nd/VDH Ch Beeangee Jumping Jack Flash [ A/B (199?)]
Int Ch & Trialer Alibren Mon Cheri avec Stanroph [ A/A (BVA 5:5)]
IntCh, ChBel, ChLux, ChVDH Moon Light du Bois de la Rayere [ France Hips:C/C (199?)]
Dutch Ch., Ger. Ch., VDH Ch., Lux. Ch. Mabella James v.d. Beerse Hoeve [ HD B1B2]
Arbutus Ladysmith [ 3:3 (B/B)]
Thimm's Smart Ava-Lucy [ A2]
DK VCH Vesterlyng's Token Of Clyde [FCI A/A]
DK.BR.CH Clockburn Clooneen [ B1/B1]
F.T.W Greenfoot Rum [ BVA Hip Score 5:5]
FTW Greenfoot Barra
Rakelands Smokey [ 5/3]
F.T.W Clockburn Commotion [ BVA Hip Score 7:7]
Drumtochty Viking
Ballochruin Aster
Respons Kramiga Kexnougat-Ten [ A/A]
Gainwill Marchall [ A1]
Golden Ciba Moonraker Milbo
Gainwill Hebe
S FT CH, S & DK CH Respons Vinjett-Ten [ A1]
Rayleas Lydon [ Sweden HD U (8/17/1995)]
Respons Solkatt-Ten [ A1]
Chipmunk's Emily Maja [ A1/A1]
Multi CH Chinnordale Skydiver [BVA 3/3]
ENG. CH. Captain Finn at Steval JW [BVA 15:6 (2002)]
Eng. SH. CH. Steval Mickey Finn At Ivycrest [BVA Hip Score 6:5]
Princess Of The Universe [BVA 4:5]
Ousevale Obsession with Chinnordale [ BVA 4:7]
Eng. CH. Chinnordale Dudley [ BVA 5:7]
Ousevale Joelle [ BVA Hip Score 6:7]
chipmunk's bali
VDH Europasieger 2005 Daily Rays Catch The Wind [ A/A (2002?)]
WW-00 EuW-00 FinW-99 ITW-00 PLW-00 C.I.B. Fi Ch Lorinford Harlequin Top Winning Golden 1999&2000 in Finland [ B/B (3/11/1994)]
FinW-06 Lorinford Hesperides [ A/A (6/6/2001)]
Living Live With Chipmunks-Cathy
Dt.Ch. (VDH), Dt.Ch.m. Arbeitspr.,DRC-Arbeits Ch. Lumberjack vom Mohnfeld [ A 2]
Living Live with Avalon

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