Labrador Retriever
Llanstinan Demelza (4/19/2017-)
Five generation pedigree:
Llanstinan Demelza
Llanstinan Double Jeopardy
Sh Ch Llanstinan Llewelyn JW
GB Sh Ch Rockabee Blue Peter of Sandylands
Rocheby Navy Blue
Rocheby Sailing By
GB Sh Ch Cambremer Royal Velvet at Rocheby
Sandylands Gypsy of Rockabee
UK Ch Sandylands My Guy
Sandylands Special Song
Susan Said So at Llanstinan
Hazelbeach Hoorah Henry of Llanstinan
Linjor Fireflint
Sandylands Moire of Hazelbeach
Lewisan Love Quest
Lewisan Lanyard
Lewisan Melody Maker
Newinn Summer Melody at Llanstinan
Lynquest Moonshine
CH Amberstope Blue Moon
Rocheby Navy Blue
Carromer Heaven Sent at Amberstope
Newinn Binderee Maid at Lynquest
GB ShCh Brynseion Berti
Newinn Rain Mist
Newinn Spring Sunshine
Lapema Leo of Sandylands
UK Ch Sandylands My Guy
Jimjoy Topaz at Lapema
Newinn Winter Sunshine
GB Sh Ch Trentwith Sir Winston
GB ShCh Newinn Winter Fantasy JW
Bowstones Good Day Sunshine
Llanstinan Hot Toddy of Bowstones JW
Attikonak Button Up Your Overcoat at Llanstinan
DkCh SeCh(U) DKV10 DKKV10 Follies Traveller
Loch Mor Spencer
FI MVA Rosanan Ice Follies
SE U(U)CH Attikonak Hold On to Your Hat
Attikonak What The Heck Guideline
Attikonak Knock Your Socks Off
Llanstinan Sian
GB Sh Ch Rockabee Blue Peter of Sandylands
Rocheby Navy Blue
Sandylands Gypsy of Rockabee
Susan Said So at Llanstinan
Hazelbeach Hoorah Henry of Llanstinan
Lewisan Love Quest
Bowstones Bring Me Sunshine
Bowstones Morning Star Over Beaverbrook ShCM
Carpenny Corker
GB Sh Ch Cornlands Wellington JW
IR Ch Covetwood Emotions of Carpenny
GB ShCh Bowstones Martha Black
GB Ch Bowstones Carruthers
ShCh Bowstones Susanna
Bowstones Beattie
Sh Ch Llanstinan Buzby Bowstones JW
Llanstinan Marcus
Llanstinan Candy
Llanstinan Morwenna Of Bowstones JW
Sh Ch Llanstinan Llewelyn JW
Llanstinan Crumpet
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