
Golden Retriever

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The Dutchman  (7/16/2013-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

The Dutchman
P8s Golden Prince
Ima Dandy Dewey
Bahr Prairie Elmo
Quartermoon Golden Bear
Choctaw's Prairie WildFlower
Esmeralda Hannah
Ima Dora Bell
Earnhardt Duke Kenning
Taylors Husker Boy
Heavens To Betsy V
Sydney Jomarie Tinkham
Jake Kearney Bennett
Riley Beauty Queen Tinkham
P8s Prancing Princess
Major Golden Blazer
Boss Major Blazer Keck
Trailblazer's Major Max [12 years]
River Rat Touy
Golden Biscuit XX
Duchess Of Castle Hill
Sir Buddy Duke Mlady
Double Duke Damon
Dutchess Katie Edelman
Gwen's Bailey Rae
Uncle Reno
Maliszewski's Sandi Marie
007 Golden Girl
Grand River Wheaty Jacks
Wheaty II
Cody's Pride Buddy Rusty
Dallas's Lil Buddy Rusty
Jazmine Star
Shannon's Mama Girl Golden
Taz Rawls
Sandy's Golden Dutchess
Grand River Goldie Lou
Feldmann's Buddy
On Golden Paws Chipen Chase
Wonder On Golden Paws
Feldmann's Rose
Feldmann's Chico
Feldmann's Beth
Sierra Kia Roxie
Oasis What A Boy Samson
Jcb's Samson
Abs Corey
Meg's Lil Sugar Cube
Ozark Mountain Brandy
Golden Dusty McComb
Sarah's Golden Dolly
Sierra's Foxie Roxie
Midas The King Of Wisdom
Sha'dow Cloud Of Valley Long
Awe Tona Of Emeraled Lake
Cedar Of Arthur Creek
Grady O'Hair
Tara Lynn IV

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