
Golden Retriever

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Pebble Creek’s New Kidd On The Block at Lakesyde  (4/18/2021-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Pebble Creek’s New Kidd On The Block at Lakesyde
BISS CH Quest Lakesyde Christmaskidd CD JH WCX OS VC BISS BOSS [10.5 years]
BIS Am Ch. Faera's Destiny Kodiak Kidd OS SDHF [10.5 years]
Am CH Asterling's Buster Keaton OS [12.5 years]
Am CH Birnam Wood's Mountin' Ash OS
Am./Can. CH. Kachina Twenty Karat OS SDHF
Am Ch Goldenloe's Cinnamon Sizzler OD
BIS BISS Am Can CH Amberac's Asterling Aruba OD SDHF [12 years]
BIS Am. CH Gold Coast Here Comes The Sun CD OS SDHF [9.5 years]
Sunhaven's Amberac's Aruba OD
Am CH Faera's Puppy Kidd OD [11.5 years]
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF [11.5 years]
BISS Am Can CH Gold-Rush's Great Teddy Bear OS SDHF [6.5 years]
Am. CH Goldwing Rhythm-N-Blue OD
Am CH Faera's Digger The Dawg OD
Am CH Wochica's Okeechobee Jake OS SDHF [10.5 years]
Am CH Faera's Rusticana Megapup CD OD [12.5 years]
Ch. Shyans Quest Star Attraction OD [10 years]
Am. CH. Shyan's Wild Country Dakotah OS [11 years]
BISS Am CH Asterling Go Getm Gangbuster OS SDHF [12 years]
Am CH Birnam Wood's Mountin' Ash OS
BIS BISS Am Can CH Amberac's Asterling Aruba OD SDHF [12 years]
Am. CH. Bonanza's Shyan Calico Cody OD [7.5 years]
Am. CH Lizzie's Gold-Rush Echo OS SDHF [11.5 years]
Am. CH Stalford's Gold-Rush Cognac
Shyan's Summers Breez'n Thru [10.5 years]
Am. CH. Sunshine's Four on the Floor OS [14.5 years]
BIS Am CH Asterling Austin-Healey OS SDHF [10.5 years]
Am CH Sunshine's Rebel Rose CD [13 years]
Am. CH. Bonanza's Shyan Calico Cody OD [7.5 years]
Am. CH Lizzie's Gold-Rush Echo OS SDHF [11.5 years]
Am. CH Stalford's Gold-Rush Cognac
GCH. CH. Lakesyde And That's The Truth
BIS BISS Am CH Legacy's Standing Ovation SDHF Am and Can OS [10.5 years]
BIS BISS Am Can CH Goodtime's Best Case Scenario CD JH WC VCX OS SDHF [15 years]
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Rush Hill's Haagen-Dazs CDX JH AX OAJ WCX VCX OS SDHF Can. CD WC [11 years]
Am CH Gldn Lt Goodtime Happy Ending OD [10 years]
Am./Can. CH. Windance Legacy's Pipe Dream OD [ years]
Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS [10.5 years]
CH Kindred's Fast and Jazzie OD [13 years]
Am CH Scion Tell It To The Judge WC OD [12.5 years]
Summits Goldstorm Ropin The Wind
BIS BISS Am CH Suntory Loveit A Cherrybrook VCD1 CDX JH OA WC OS SDHF [13.5 years]
Am CH. Summits Mystic Rhythms SDHF [11.5 years]
Ducat's Fortune Teller JH WC [12 years]
BISS Am CH Asterling Go Getm Gangbuster OS SDHF [12 years]
Ducat Lobi-Tatum's Hot Shot OD [ years]
CH Lakesyde's Junior Mint OD
CH Goodtime's The Perfect Man At Lakesyde [10 years]
BISS CH Quest Lakesyde Christmaskidd CD JH WCX OS VC BISS BOSS [10.5 years]
BIS Am Ch. Faera's Destiny Kodiak Kidd OS SDHF [10.5 years]
Ch. Shyans Quest Star Attraction OD [10 years]
CH De La Vega Goodtime's Crazy River
BISS CH Goodtime's Non-Stop To Rio SDHF OS [12 years]
Ch De La Vega Sweet Home Alabama OD
Lakesyde's Fifth Avenue [10.5 years]
BIS/BISS Can./Am. Ch. Klaasem's Zoom Zoom Zoom Can. SDHF, Can./Am. OS [9.5 years]
Am. Ch. Daybreak Varsity Jump OS [9.5 years]
BIS Can. Ch. Prospectors Klaasem Ooh La La [12.5 years]
Lakesyde R We Having Fun Yet [9.5 years]
CH Gnp's Lakesyde Christmaskiss [13.5 years]

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