
Golden Retriever

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Karizma's Sister Golden Hair CGC  (9/13/2017-)

Five generation pedigree:

Karizma's Sister Golden Hair CGC
AmCH CanGCH Verdoro's Christopher Robin OS
BIS BISS Am. CH Monogram's Bada Bing SDHF OS
Am/Can CH Chuckanut Party Favour O Novel SDHF OS
Can CH Madisons Stack The Deck OS
Can. CH Verdoro's Justice For All Can OS
Can. CH Collinterra's Brazen Callie Can OD
Can CH Chuckanut Justmoor Tequila
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Chuckanut's In The Mood OS
Am/Can Ch Chuckanuts Foxy Lady
Am CH Monogram's Prime Time
Am. CH. Dunglass Look Skywalker OS
Am./Can. CH. Amberwood Montego Bay
Am. CH Birnam Wood Such A Sensation
Am. CH Monogram's Cassiopeia OD
BISS Am. CH Dapplegray's Ultra Cosmic
Monogram's Tiffany And Company
Can Ch Verdoro's Switcheroo
Can Ch Verdoro's Listen Up At Cherren TD
Can CH Cherren Auric Casablanca High JH TD WCI
BISS Am. CH. Seeshaw Dylans Evening Blaze SH WCX Am OS Can OS
Can Ch Auric's Flying Hi To Cherren WC
Can Ch Verdoro's Wright Up My Alley
Can CH Verdoro's Grande Torino OS
Can CH Verdoro's Michelle Wright
Can Ch Verdoro's Pi Beta Phi
Am Can Ch Verdoro Tanglewood Ice Pilot Can OS
Am. Ch. Runnymede Indeed OS
Can CH Online Verdoro Ice On Fire
Can Ch Verdoro's All That Jazz
Can Ch Goldwing Double Indemnity OS
Goldenfarm's Mega Mega Good
Ch Sunrunner Party Like a Rockstar at Karizma
Am. CH. Perrecca Grenada OS
Aust./Eng. Ch. Stanroph Shogun KCJW
Eng. SH. Ch. Amirene Pacifique
Eng. SH. Ch. Stanroph Soldier Boy
Amirene Integrity
Stanroph Shere Fantasy KCJW
Rossbourne Trooper
Stanroph Silent Tears KCJW
Aust. CH. Perrecca Adelaide
Perrecca Talk O The Town
Aust Gr Ch Deanchel Love Me Tender
Perrecca Iolanthe
Aust. CH. Goldog Alpine Mist Ndew
Aust. CH. Perrecca Dorchester
Aust. CH. Goldog Alpine Melanie
Karizma Dancing With The Stars
Am.Can. Ch Sunbeam Toasty Take Five
CH Toasty's Baxter
Am. CH Toasty's Dust In The Wind II SDHF OS
Am Ch Toasty's Miss Manners
Am CH Sunbeams Scene Stealer OD
BISS Am. CH Sunbeam's Worth The Wait SDHF OS
BISS Am. CH Keane's Nutmeg Pippin OD
CH Karizma Payday It Forward
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Sunbeam's Cruise Control SDHF OS
BIS BISS Am-Can CH. Birnam Wood Amaize 'N Blue OS SDHF
BISS Am. CH Keane's Nutmeg Pippin OD
Ch. Sunbeams Double Gum BISS SDHF
BISS Am. CH Sunbeam's Worth The Wait SDHF OS
CH Laurells Sunbeam Pinkpanther SDHF OD

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