Labrador Retriever
Dartmoor Pepper Potts (4/12/2021-)
Five generation pedigree:
Dartmoor Pepper Potts
Jov Ch. Arg -Ch. Arg Rocheby Gentleman Jim
Rocheby Gentleman George
GB ShCh Lindall Redemption
Lindall Court Masterpiece
Rocheby Old Smokey
Lindall Russian Rhythm
Lindall Will She
Nantgwyn William at Oakhouse
Sh Ch Lindall Double Blue
Rocheby Snow Orchid
Rocheby Old Smokey
Rocheby Navy Blue
Sh Ch Rocheby Polkadot
Brambleridge Rave Review of Bridgeford
Boothgate The Show Must Go On
Jubilee Mystic Of Brambleridge
Simandem Crushed Ice Over Rocheby
Eng Sh Ch Silver Suede Over Rocheby
Int. Ch., NLCh, FRCh Ahti Aspen of Finnwoods
INT CH Palabras Blue Bayo
DRC-Jgd.CH. Hirsipirtin Xedos
Bridgeford Crystal Clear Over Rocheby
Eng Sh Ch Rocheby Whisky Mac
Brambleridge Rave Review of Bridgeford
Rocheby Ice Dance at Simandem
Sh Ch Rocheby State Occasion
Rocheby Old Smokey
Brambleridge Rave Review of Bridgeford
Rocheby Ice
Delark Tobermory at Rocheby
GB Sh Ch Rocheby Powder Blue
HE1E1 Dartmoor Juana La Loca
E1GCEEIL Helvet Can General
Mister X Marvellous Marshall for Helvet Can Black
JCH UA, JGR UA, CH MC Miracle Makers Fiamma Cantante
ITCH, CIB, CIE, FCH, HRCH, SwissCH, 2xRCICH Charm Bluveil Mr. Darcy WC,FFTCH
Int Ch Miconti Mont Blanc
IntCh, JCH UKR, Ch2xUa, BLR, MOL, RUS, ICH Candy White Chocolate Black Cresset
C.I.E. Miconti Midnight Tango
Marmora Sea Black Cresset
Helvet Can Cuddly
Helvet Can Kotka
INT CH, FI/EE CH, FINW-06 LTW-08 Follies Mon Oncle
Dartmoor Favu
Helvet Can Cindirella
Mallorn's Edition
Kandicreme Kendo
CE Dartmoor Penny
AGCELGE Dartmoor Buxton
GCEMIL Charm's Smokin Gun
AmCH Acrewood Blue Heaven Law Man
AmCH Hitmans Charm N Ginger Bear
GCE Haras de Malal Cahuelo
GCIL Corhampton s Nogales Barleycorn
GCEL Bigsbrun's Ronda
Del Helvet Can Volga
Mallorn's Ursus Arctos
AM CH Visions I'm Able
Mallorn's MMM Marabou
Kandicreme Kantana
Rocheby Old Smokey
Kandicreme Krismaskandel
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