K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Libra D'Or Lexus Limited Edition At Rocheby  (12/19/2018-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Libra D'Or Lexus Limited Edition At Rocheby
MBISS Can GCH Am Pol CH Chablais Rendez-Vous
MBISS Am GCHS CH Shalimar's The Animator
BISS AmCH Nipntuck Hyspire Unforgettable
MBISS AmGCH Sure Shot Hyspire Impressive WC
BISS Am CH Windfall's Pipe Major [13.5 years]
Am CH Janrod's Tammy Whynot
AmCH Blackwaters Nipntuck Cheerleader
Am CH Tabatha's Nipntuck You Are It
Blackwater Remarkable
Shalimar Hyspire Biding My Time
Am GCH CH Figero Dafoz Herbu Zadora JH
Trendlewood Far Away Zadora
Megi Psie Lobby CWC
Hyspire Shahli When Your Hot Your Hot
MBISS AmGCH Sure Shot Hyspire Impressive WC
Am CH Hyspire Pipin' Hot
BIS MBISS Am Can GCH Chablais Chouchou WC
BISS Am Can CH Chablais Brookhill Joss
MBISS Am Can CH Lubberline Martingale [12 years]
Am CH Hunt Club Clayview Funny Bear
Am CH Hennings Mill Lubberline Jib
MBISS Am Can CH Chablais Olivia
Am CH Rainell's The Beat Goes On
MBISS Am Can CH Chablais Mia
Chablais Babychou
Can CH Chablais Ouzo
Can CH Tabatha's Hunterleigh Gaudy
MBISS Am Can CH Chablais Olivia
Can CH Chablais Opale
Can CH Tawastway's Paw Print
MBISS Am Can CH Chablais Olivia
Rocheby Goldilocks
Rocheby Red On Gold
Eng Sh Ch Silver Suede Over Rocheby [11.5 years]
Int. Ch., NLCh, FRCh Ahti Aspen of Finnwoods [14 years]
INT CH Palabras Blue Bayo [8.5 years]
DRC-Jgd.CH. Hirsipirtin Xedos
Bridgeford Crystal Clear Over Rocheby
Eng Sh Ch Rocheby Whisky Mac [15 years]
Brambleridge Rave Review of Bridgeford
Rocheby Silk Gown
GB ShCh Lindall Redemption
Lindall Court Masterpiece
Lindall Will She
GB Sh Ch Rocheby Spunsilk
Sh Ch Rocheby State Occasion
Rocheby Georgette
Foxrush Touch Of Class
Rocheby Toast Master
Rocheby Reed Spinner
GB ShCh Lindall Redemption
GB Sh Ch Rocheby Spunsilk
Rocheby Softly Spoken
Rocheby Old Smokey [12.5 years]
Rocheby Tiara
Sh Ch Foxrush Ovaltine JW
Rocheby Old Smokey [12.5 years]
Rocheby Navy Blue
Sh Ch Rocheby Polkadot [8.5 years]
Sh Ch Foxrush Giselle
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About
Foxrush Blue Velvet

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