
Golden Retriever

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Ivee (SS13696901) CGC  (6/22/2019-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Ivee (SS13696901) CGC
Red Fern's Downtown Wrigley
Northstar's Rhett Buttler
RUSCH ,JCHRUS, 4xCHNKP, CHRKF All My Dream in Famous Family
WW'09'11, EW'07'08, JEW'05, Int CH, Multi CH Dewmist Silk Screen Working Test, Middle European Winner 2006 [14 years]
SU(U)CH NORDV-03 NUCH, VWW-08 Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel [13 years]
ChSwe, Den, Nor, NordW-03, VWW-08 Styal Silksilla SweW-04, BOB World Dog Show 2008 [15 years]
HJCH, HCH Cosmona's Keepsake Club winner
FI & SE & EE Ch Lovehayne Wallace Qualified in the field [9.5 years]
FIN.CH Cosmona's Indian Dance
JunChRus,ChRus,CACIB,CH.RKF,CH.NKP Rus Pekos Doris
V-EW'04, Mlt & IntCh,GrChUa,ChMol/Bye/Rus/Bul/Pol Robin Hood of Glen Sheallag All-ukrainian Winner'03, 05, Winner of RRC [10 years]
MultCh, ChUa, Rus, Bye, RKF, NRC Skandi Sanraiz Wizardy
Jun.CH.Rus,CH.RUS,2xCC,KCHK,R.CACIB Ulka Ungaro [14 years]
Int.Ch., Pl. LT. Ch. Jaskar Tarquin [13 years]
Northstar Georgia Pecan Pie
Silvermine Northstar Gunsite Jericho [6 years]
Del Helvet Can Tyson
Dewmist Silkshooter
Del Helvet Can Irina
Silvermine Lucky Lady
Telluride Once In A Lifetime
Sandar's Willful Willa
Northstar's Melody Color Of Music
Goldenshadow Goldrush Harley
Am. Can. CH Gold-Rush Mr Briggs [8 years]
Gold-Rush To Remember
Radost Iz Istry Vasilisa Prekrasnaya
Int & MultCh,GrChRus, ChRus,Bye,Mol,Bul,Bosn&Herz Goldenone Safe Return Ch RKF, NRC [12 years]
JRUS CH Tango of Glen Sheallag
Int SR CH Elkridge Of Fire & Ice
Int Ch. Just Fisher
Int Ch Motley acres George Iz just Amazing
Oakbrook's Destined To Be Great
CH. Of Russia, Jr. Champion of Russia Collen Campos Danako
JunCh.Rus,Ch.Rus O-La-La Iz Stolitsy Urala
Oakbrooks Promise Of Spring
Strong Stael Shandy Shon
Holly Of Cedar Brook
Motley Acres White Halo
This Weekend Iz Stoli White Russian
Week-End Iz Stolitsy Urala
Sunnyfield's Matador's Princess
Huebner's Pearly White Temperance
Lil Angus' Top Secret Ruger
Please Please Me Rejentowka
CH Blr, JCH Blr J'Adare (SR99419501)
Int CH, GrChRus, GrChBelarus, LV,Est,Rus,Bel,RKF, NRC -CH, Rus, NRC- YChY FT-duk Rossmix Calvados
Trialer, Vice-WW'08, INT CH, BEL/SE/NL/LUX/FR/VDH CH, FT CH Furyo Noroy Du Plessy [7.5 years]
CH Rossmix Hung Up
JCH, CH BLR, Breed CH Diadema Kleo Evilor Garde
C.I.B, C.I.E, MultiCh, CH BLR,RUS,UA,MD,ME, GRCH BLR,UA,MD,FT-duck ELISEY (BCU 111-000109) W-2012
Ch BLR/RUS/UA Alex Suite Polina Arabella
Int. Sh. Ch. (C.I.E.), PL Ch., VDH (Dt) Ch. Dewmist Silk Symphony PL Junior Ch., Baltic Winner '05 [8 years]
SU(U)CH NORDV-03 NUCH, VWW-08 Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel [13 years]
ChSwe, Den, Nor, NordW-03, VWW-08 Styal Silksilla SweW-04, BOB World Dog Show 2008 [15 years]
JCh BLR Alex Suite Elizabet Lacky
Int.Ch., Pl. LT. Ch. Jaskar Tarquin [13 years]
Ch BLR Prima Pamela

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